Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

209. Name: Ilham Bougroum Title:TheQuestionofGenreintheArabTelevisionLandscapebetween Social Imagination and Reality on the Ground (the Cases of MBC, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya) Institution: Université de Lorraine Country: France Date: 2021 Language: French Abstract: This thesis aims to show, through the analysis of female representations on transnational Arab satellite channels, how television contributes to shaping gender norms. The question of gender, understood as social construction, represents an interesting theme of televisual representations, particularly regarding the Arab world where the status of women is complex. Television represents a privileged observatory to understand gender norms, since it is indicative of gender assignments in terms of incorporating new norms and representations into society. By studying transnational satellite channels, it is possible to gain a comprehensive view of this issue across the Arab world. The study analyses a sample of news content from MBC, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya satellite channels. Based on qualitative methodology and comparative discourse analysis, the researcher identified the models of televisual display related to women, and analyzed the norms attached to the feminine gender in the Arab world. The images and speeches conveyed by satellite media indicate that television content helps redefine the norms associated with the female gender and makes it possible to grasp the challenges of television globalization and modernity in contemporary Arab societies.


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