Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

213. Name: Rana Cömertpay Title: Essays on the Economics of Forced Displacement and Conflict (the Impact of Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya’s Coverage) Institution: Université du Luxembourg Country: Luxembourg Date: 2021 Language: French Abstract: This study examines the economics of refugees and displaced people during conflicts. In chapter 1, the researcher analyzes the determinants of internal mobility of refugees across 26 regions in Turkey during 2017. Results show that the movements of refugees are sensitive to income differentials and contribute to a more efficient allocation of labor across space. Comparing these findings with those of individuals with a non- refugee status, we find that refugees are more sensitive to variations of income. In Chapter 2, the study exploits annual variations in the presence of refugees to approximate the resulting changes in diversity in the refugee-hosting areas across 23 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It also assesses the relationship between the refugee-corrected diversity indices and the likelihood of conflict between 2005 and 2016. In line with the theoretical framework, the refugee-corrected polarization exacerbates the risk of conflict. Chapter 3 looks at the impact of independent media networks on political accountability during the Arab Spring across the Middle East and North Africa. The study focuses on two major media networks in the Arab world: Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya satellite channels.


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