2. Name: Fikriya A.M. Sulainam Title: News Flow through Communication Networks: Applied Study to Sudan News in Al Jazeera for the Period from 2000 to 2002 Institution: Africa International University Country: Sudan Date: 2003 Language: Arabic Abstract: This study deals with the concept of communication and its forms and examines the types of communication networks and the use of satellites to secure direct news flow. The researcher reviewed the emergence of Al Jazeera channel and the conditions in which its office in Sudan was set up. The study focuses on Al Jazeera’s approach to world news and Sudan news in particular, as part of its efforts to balance the news flow from north to south. Methodologically, the study employed a descriptive analytical approach and concluded with a number of results. The findings show that Al Jazeera established itself in the region and globally, and excelled over its competitors thanks to its unique professional practice, both editorially and technically. It was also distinguished by its clarity of vision, its freedom, and its great material and technical capabilities. The study also found that political news about Sudan occupied more space on Al Jazeera than other channels during the studied period, and that satellites and communication networks played an important role in disseminating news and balancing the information flow between North and South.
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