3. Name: Yasser Al Hussein Title: Trends in Media Reception of African Issues on Al Jazeera Channel: A Field Study Covering the Period of January 2000 to December 2002 Institution: International University of Africa Country: Sudan Date: 2003 Language: Arabic Abstract: This study aims to draw attention to the significance of the Arab-African communication. The researcher suggests that this communication needs to focus its attention on economic and social development. The study, examines Al Jazeera’s coverage of African issues, taking into account the importance and growing influence of Al Jazeera as a media institution at a time when the role of the media in various aspects of our contemporary life has been increasing. The study also considers the strategic importance of the African continent to the Arab world, with reference to historical cultural and religious ties, and the importance of blocs and coalitions in an era marked by political and economic clustering. Al Jazeera as an Arab channel managed, in a few years, to occupy a leading position among international media that have long monopolized information and controlled the flow of news to serve the objectives and interests of Western governments and societies. Al Jazeera is well equipped to play an active role in consolidating of the mutual relations between African countries and the Arab world through its objective, honest and balanced media coverage.
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