Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

29. Name: Faisal bin Jassin Al Thani Title: Comprehensive Quality Management in Media Institutions: Applied Study to Al Jazeera Satellite Channel for the Period from 2000 to 2006 Institution: Omdurman Islamic University Country: Sudan Date: 2007 Language: Arabic Abstract: This research examines the comprehensive quality management in media organizations focusing on Al Jazeera satellite channel as a case study. The research seeks to test the following three hypotheses: There is a correlation between strategic planning and the level of performance of Al Jazeera channel. There is a correlation between comprehensive quality management and the level of performance of Al Jazeera channel, and there is a correlation between the principles of comprehensive quality and the level of performance of Al Jazeera satellite channel. The data analysis proved that the first hypothesis was wrong, while the validity of the second and third hypotheses was confirmed. The study recommends that the management of media organizations understand the philosophy of comprehensive quality and the value it can offer to these institutions. The management must understand the importance of comprehensive quality as a global management approach that added a great improvement to various institutions, whether industrial, commercial or educational, and it will undoubtedly add value to the media institutions. The study stresses the importance of applying comprehensive quality management as a vital initiative to achieve a distinction.


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