Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

20. Name: Ismail M.H. Al-Hakim Title: Styles of Television Dialogues and their Relation to the Styles of Quranic Dialogue: An Applied Analytical Study to Al Jazeera’s ‘Sharia and Life’ Programme between 2003-2004 Institution: Omdurman Islamic University Country: Sudan Date: 2007 Language: Arabic Abstract: This study deals with dialogue as a form of TV production because it provides viewers with information, presents different opinions, introduces characters, and adds vivacity in order to attract the audience. The researcher chose Al Jazeera’s ‘Sharia and Life’ program as it represents a specific form of dialogue accompanied with analysis of various events and issues. The study seeks to highlight the similarities and differences between Quranic and media dialogues, both in forms and styles. Using content analysis methodology, the study analyzed the content of a sample of 25 episodes of the selected program aired on Al Jazeera between 2003 and 2004. The analysis also compared the methods used in the programme with that of Quranic dialogue. The research is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with the topic of dialogue in Quran, its purposes, characteristics, types and methods. The second chapter presents television dialogue programs in terms of their forms, contents, methods, planning and artistic approaches. The third and last chapter focuses on the applied study of the ‘Sharia and Life’ Program, followed with the research findings and discussion sections.


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