Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

23. Author: Al Jazeera Network Title: The Al Jazeera Decade: 1996-2006 Publisher: Al-Waraqoon, Bahrain Year: 2006 Language: Arabic & English

Description: This collective volume documents aspects of Al Jazeera’s experience during its first decade. It contains a variety of contributions about the journey this leading media institution has embarked on since its birth as an Arabic news channel up to becoming one of the most important global media network. The book presents an image of the institution and the accounts of those who experienced its rise and its transformation from a mere idea to a media institution that quickly attracted the attention of millions of viewers across the world. A number of Al Jazeera’s cohorts from various administrative and editorial positions as well as media experts, Arabs and non-Arabs, who witnessed the rise of this media institution and interacted with it contributed to this book. 24. Author(s): Hidetaka Ishida, Chikako Nakayama, Osamu Nishitani, Chihiro Minato

Title: Al Jazeera and the Media Wall Publisher: Tokyo University Press, Japan Year: 2006 Language: Japanese

Description: This book provides another perspective on one of the leading global media networks. A multifaceted study of the philosophies of the Arab channel, Al Jazeera that shook the world from the Gulf War to 9/11. Al Jazeera points to the global information wall that keeps us in. The network has global meaning by being local and its activities teach us that the transmission of information itself has geopolitical implications. As globalization progresses in different ways led by the United States and Europe, Al Jazeera plays an important role in capturing and projecting the world from a different perspective. The Al Jazeera effect was so great that the US, which was conducting unilateral military operations in Arab and Islamic regions, considered bombing the network’s headquarters.


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