Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

25. Author(s): Mohamed Zayani and Sofiane Sahraoui Title: The Culture of Al Jazeera: Inside an Arab Media Giant Publisher: McFarland & Company, US Year: 2007 Language: English

Description: This book explains why and how Al Jazeera managed to do what it did better than any other media player in the Middle East. The authors re- examine mainstays around studies on Al Jazeera, including the uncritically accepted idea that the channel covers news with ‘a distinctly Arab perspective’, subscribing to the notion that no media ever manages to transcend its politico- economic and socio-cultural environment. They explain how the channel reacts to breaking news, providing a clear view into what they call Al Jazeera’s ‘instinct’ for breaking news, which involves dispatching a reporter and securing a satellite newsgathering device to the scene of an unfolding event. The book shows how the decision-making process is prompt and takes full advantage of individual initiative within the organization. 26. Author: Francesco Congiu Title: War Information and Disinformation: The Al Jazeera Case Publisher: Prospettiva Editrice, Italy Year: 2007 Language: Italian Description: War and information, disinformation and war, news in war contexts and its systematic distortion are the key words around which this book revolves. Ample space in this volume is given to the media narrative of the two Iraqi conflicts. What has changed and what has remained unchanged compared to Operation Desert Storm? The author implements a change of perspective, focusing his attention on the representation of the ‘war on terror’ seen through the eyes of Arab media and in particular Al Jazeera satellite channel. The implications of this development and the possible problems resulting from the increasing influence of an autonomous and relatively homogeneous Arab point of view are analyzed within a Mediascape that is no longer dominated by the Western monopoly of information.


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