Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

29. Author: Mamoun Fandy Title: (Un)Civil War of Words: Media and Politics in the Arab World Publisher: ‎Praeger, UK Year: 2007 Language: English

Description: As the war on terror rages, another battleground has quickly taken shape and is being waged on daily newscasts around the world. Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya are leading the fight, but do these news networks simply provide news or, are they tools used by governments and terrorists to relay their message? The author examines the impact that Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya along with other news organizations have had on the war on terror, on the Arab world, and on the relationships that Arab nations share with each other, as well as those they share with the West. Focusing on Al Jazeera and other Arab news networks, Fandy examines the battle between the Arab world and the West through the popular medium of television. 30. Author: Vincenzo Damiani

Title: War Reporter Profession from Russel to Al Jazeera: Stories, Analysis and Evolution of a Difficult Profession Publisher: Prospettiva Editrice, Italy Year: 2007 Language : Italian

Description: The history of war reporting begins with the Irish Bill Russell, who reported on the Crimean War with absolute freedom. Since then, information has accelerated. It took Russell a month to pack his piece, today, thanks to the Internet and satellite broadcasting, news and information flow uninterruptedly across the world. Live television news from the battlefield play an increasing role in shaping perception and influencing strategies on the ground. Military strategists sometimes attribute blame for various defeats to information made available by television. Americans learned the lesson to not ‘make mistakes: no more dead soldiers in videos. This book provides a careful analysis beginning with the war in Crimea through to the present day with Al Jazeera becoming a leading network reporting major wars.


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