Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

35. Author: Maha Bashri Title: The Opinion and Other Opinion: Al Jazeera’s Agenda Setting Function in the Arab Islamic World Publisher: VDM Verlag, Germany Year: 2008 Language: English

Description: Any form of communication is a cultural construction. Today, there are hundreds of agenda setting studies, but few examining non-western cultures. Cross-cultural studies rarely try to adapt this theory to cultural, political and social variations in different societies. The idea that news networks set the agenda in politics and diplomacy is not new. However, some networks have greater influence than others. CNN is one of those networks that has risen to global prominence because of its coverage of the first Gulf War. Today scholars claim that Al Jazeera yields the same influence in the Arab world. This book looks at the Al Jazeera effect and examines its agenda-setting role. It also looks at the contingent factors for agenda setting theory in the Arab world. 36. Author: Faisal bin Jassim Al Thani

Title: Comprehensive Quality Management in Media Institutions Applied to Al Jazeera Satellite Channel from 2004 to 2006 Publisher: Dar Al-Marefah, Lebanon Year: 2008 Language: Arabic

Description: This book investigates the application of quality management in media institutions, focusing on Al Jazeera network as a case study. The book examines the relationship between Al Jazeera’s performance levels, strategic planning, comprehensive quality management and the principles of comprehensive quality respectively. The author seeks to fulfil a number of objectives. He attempts to offer a systematic study that measures the extent to which media institutions are interested in gauging the impact of quality management. Although the research focuses on Al Jazeera, it nevertheless paves the way for researchers and specialists to conduct comparative studies involving different institutes and their respective concern for quality management. The book also provides information on the best models and practices in applying comprehensive quality management to media institutions.


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