Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

77. Author: Fabian Markun Title: The Rise of Hostility against Muslims in the West: Islamophobia as Reflected in Selected Discussion Programs by the Arabic Satellite Channel Al Jazeera Publisher: EB-Verlag, Germany Year: 2013 Language: German

Description: In recent years, Islam has increasingly become the focus of the European public. Political decisions and social disputes related to Islam are increasing, and reveal a certain uneasiness and increasing rejection in large parts of the European population. This phenomenon, which is referred to in the term ‘Islamophobia, has repeatedly been the subject of scientific articles and critical studies. This book addresses this neglected perspective. The author examines the perception of Western Islamophobia in the Arab world, using discussion programmes aired by the most respected Arab satellite broadcaster, Al Jazeera channel. The discourse on Islamophobia, its causes, manifestations and possible solutions is also analyzed. This work is an intellectual contribution to open up new perspectives to a better understanding of this seemingly rising phenomenon. 78. Author: Khaled Al-Deeb Title: Gaddafi, Al Jazeera and I Publisher: Ferjani Publishing House, Libya Year: 2013 Language: Arabic Description: This book covers the fourteen years that the author spent as a correspondent for Al Jazeera in Libya. It is divided into seven chapters, respectively: Bab al-Aziziya, in private, behind the scenes, a wayfarer, an eyewitness, the family, and February 17. The book is not the author’s autobiography, but rather an attempt to understand and analyze the ambiguous and tense relationship between Gaddafi and Al Jazeera. It is an important document that chronicles a period of Gaddafi’s rule and the way he managed power. It includes many stories and events that the reporter experienced through his daily work and his contact with Gaddafi and those around him. The author reveals some details for the first time, especially his secret and public meetings with Gaddafi.


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