Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

97. Author: Sam Cherribi Title: Fridays of Rage: Al Jazeera, the Arab Spring, and Political Islam Publisher: Oxford University Press, UK Year: 2016 Language: English

Description: This book reveals Al Jazeera channel’s surprising rise to that most respected of all Western media positions: the watchdog of democracy. Al Jazeera served as the nursery for the Arab world’s democratic revolutions, promoting Friday as a ‘day of rage’ and popular protest. The book gives readers a glimpse into how Al Jazeera media network has strategically cast its journalists as martyrs in the struggle for Arab freedom while promoting itself as the mouthpiece and advocate of the Arab public across the region. The Author presents in this volume a broad analysis of Al Jazeera’s experience, from its conception and evolution to the present day. He considers the ways in which Al Jazeera shapes the views and perceptions of Islamic communities around the world. 98. Author: William Youmans Title: An Unlikely Audience: Al Jazeera’s Struggle in America Publisher: Oxford University Press, UK Year: 2016 Language: English Description: In 2006, Al Jazeera media network sought to penetrate the U.S. media sphere, the world’s most influential national market for English language news. These unyielding ambitions surprised those who knew the network as the Arab media service President Bush lambasted as ‘hateful propaganda’ in his 2004 State of the Union address. The world watched skeptically yet curiously as Al Jazeera labored to establish a presence in the American market. The network’s struggle included both fleeting successes, like the sudden surge of popular interest during the Arab spring, as well as momentous failures. This book investigates the inner workings of a complex news organization fighting to overcome deep obstacles, foster strategic alliances and build its identity in a country notoriously disinterested in international news services.


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