Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

103. Author(s): Noureddine Touimi and Sabah Abu Ghazala Title: On the Al Jazeera Platform Publisher: Elite Publishing, Egypt Year: 2018 Language: Arabic

Description: In this critical work of the Al Jazeera and Qatar’s policy, the authors review the early days of channel and the role it played in amplifying the Qatari role on the regional and global political scene. They consider Al Jazeera a subversive tool in the Arab region and mention a number of events to support their approach, such as the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, to the channel, maintaining that establishing Al Jazeera was primarily an Israeli idea. The book also talks about ‘huge funding’ flowing into the channel’s accounts so it continues to play negative roles in support of host country’s policies. Thethe authors believe that channel’s programmes represent a heavy artillery aimed at destroying the fortresses of hostile countries. 104. Author: Amal Awaida Title: Television and the falsification of Arab Consciousness:

the Hidden Roles of Al Jazeera Documentary Channel Publisher: General Egyptian Book Organization, Egypt Year: 2018 Language: Arabic

Description: This book deals with Arab documentary channels, focusing on Al Jazeera Documentary Channel as a case study. In order to analyze the channel’s explicit and implicit messages, and identify the nature of its cognitive role in guiding and shaping public opinion in the Arab-speaking world, the book provides a critical review of the documentary films aired on Al Jazeera Documentary during the popular uprising of the Arab spring. This descriptive analytical study is based on data collected by the author, consisting of a selected sample 129 documentary films broadcast on Al Jazeera documentary channel over a period of time extending from late 2012, before the Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt, until their departure from government in the midst of the 2013 events.


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