Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

107. Author: Abdeslam Razak Title: Political Media and the Formation of Public Opinion during the Arab Spring Revolutions: Al Jazeera as an Example Publisher: Qatar University Press, Qatar Year: 2019 Language: Arabic

Description: This book examines the role of political media in shaping public opinion, taking Al Jazeera satellite channel as an example, and the Arab Spring revolutions as an area of ​application. Regardless of the skeptical readings of the causes and outcomes of the Arab Spring revolutions, the events that took place in a number of Arab countries since 2011 confirm that Arab societies are experiencing a historical turn. These dynamics can be seen in the emergence of a new political generation with transformative ideas that draw on political media and benefit from social media networks. This generation managed to break the wall of fear and take to the streets to spread the seeds of revolution and take part in the movement of Arab political change. 108. Author: Rauf Arif

Title: Movements for Change: How Individuals, Social Media and Al Jazeera are Changing Pakistan, Egypt and Tunisia Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing, New York Year: 2020 Language: English

Description: This book explores social media as an alternative channel of communication and resistance in Pakistan, Tunisia and Egypt, and argues that the term ‘Arab Spring’ limits the scope of acknowledgement for the ongoing online and offline political uprisings in the Muslim World, which started beyond the geographical boundaries of the Middle East. The book explores the pivotal role of Al Jazeera in using social media content from protestors to make the uprisings a global conversation. The author takes readers through an overview of creative political protests in each of the three case countries, before delving into an in- depth examination of a specific icon that sparked each revolution in question, and an overview of social movements and the political and cultural contexts in each country.


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