Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

113. Author: Shubhda Chaudhary Title: The Silenced Revolution at Tahrir Square: How Al Jazeera English Broadcasted the Egyptian Uprising Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany Year: 2021 Language: English

Description: This book examines the various media narratives and nuances of Arab media reporting of the Egyptian uprising. Often plagued by the western scrutiny and stereotypes expressing what the ‘Egyptian Street’ means, this book gives a real, grassroots level analysis of how Al Jazeera English portrayed the Egyptian uprisings in 2011 and 2013. Interviews of Arab revolutionaries, journalists, and academics, who highlight the various dimensions of conflict, language, and the politics of reporting from Tahrir Square, are taken into account. Drawing on theoretical models of agenda setting, framing theory, and hegemony media, the book is an endeavor by an Indian academic to understand how South Asia scrutinizes the various soft powers and hegemonies manufactured in Arab media and West Asian discourse from a personal lens. 114. Author(s): Mostefa Souag, Ezzeddine Abdelmoula, Salah Elzein, Lhaj M. Nacik (eds) Title: Al Jazeera Tells Its Story: In-Depth Investigations Publisher: Al Jazeera Media Network Year: 2021 Language: Arabic/English Description: This book coincides with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first Arabic news channel and provides a documented account of its journey. Interest in Al Jazeera over the past quarter of a century has produced various narratives on this unprecedented phenomenon in its media and political environment. The current book presents Al Jazeera’s experience in its own words, distinguishing it from past individual and collective works written by outsiders. The contributing researchers all work for Al Jazeera, and have lived this experience. Before the book chapters took their final shape, an editorial committee headed by the network’s Director General spearheaded a long review and revision process. This volume addresses common mistakes among researchers and answers questions about the network’s foundation, components, policies and development stages.


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