Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

67. Author(s): Boyd Barrett, Joseph Oliver and Shuang Xie Title: Al Jazeera, Phoenix Satellite Television and the Return of the State: Case Studies in Market Liberalization, Public Sphere and Media Imperialism Journal: International Journal of Communication, Vol. 2 Year: 2008 Language: English 68. Author(s): Thomas Johnson and Shahira Fahmy Title: The CNN of the Arab World or a Shill for Terrorists? How Support for Press Freedom and Political Ideology Predict Credibility of Al Jazeera among its Audience Journal: International Communication Gazette, Vol. 70, No. 5 Year: 2008 Language: English 69. Author: Mohamed Zayani Title: Arab Media, Corporate Communications and Public Relations: The Case of Al Jazeera Journal: Asian Journal of Communication, Vol. 18, No. 3 Year: 2008 Language: English 70. Author(s): John M. King and Mohamed Zayani Title: Media, Branding and Controversy: Perceptions of Al Jazeera in Newspapers around the World Journal: Journal of Middle East Media, Vol. 4, No. 1 Year: 2008 Language: English 71. Author(s): Masoud Abdulrahim, Ali Al-Kandari and Mazharul Haque Title: Winds of Change in the Arab World: A Comparative Look at a Political Gratification and Effects Study of the Al Jazeera Satellite Channel and Kuwaiti Government Television Journal: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, Vol. 1, No. 2 Year: 2008 Language: English


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