Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

77. Author: Abeer Alnajjar Title: How Arab is Al Jazeera English: Comparative Study of Al Jazeera Arabic and Al Jazeera English News Channels Journal: Global Media Journal, Vol. 8, No. 14 Year: 2009 Language: English 78. Author: Laura Aguiar Title: Framing a Global Crisis: An Analysis of the Coverage of the Latest Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Al Jazeera and CNN Journal: Estudos em Comunicaçao (Communication Studies), Sweden, No. 6 Year: 2009 Language: English 79. Author: Mervat Youssef Title: Their Word against Ours: News Discourse of the 2003 Gulf War Civilian Casualties in CNN and Al Jazeera Journal: Global Media Journal, Mediterranean Edition, Vol. 4, No. 2 Year: 2009 Language: English 80. Author: Kamal Kajja Title: Al Jazeera: Phenomenon or Decoy Journal: Hérodote, Institut Français de Géopolitique, Vol. 133, Issue 2 Year: 2009 French: French 81. Author: Kenneth D. Loomis Title: A Comparison of Broadcast World News Web Pages: Al Jazeera English, BBC, CBS, and CNN Journal: Electronic News, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Vol. 3, No. 3 Year: 2009 Language: English 82. Author(s): Shawn Powers and Mohammed El-Nawawy Title: Al Jazeera English and Global News Networks: Clash of Civilizations or Cross-Cultural Dialogue? Journal: Media, War & Conflict, Vol. 2, No. 3 Year: 2009 Language: English


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