Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

100. Author: Tine Ustad Figenschou Title: Up Close: The Strategic Construction of Mediated Suffering on Al Jazeera English Journal: International Journal of Communication, Vol. 5 Year: 2011 Language: English 101. Author: Daoud Djefafla Title: About Mimetism and Acclimatization of Television’s Industry in the Arab Media (the Cases of Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya) Journal: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of M’sila, Algeria, Vol. 1, No. 1 Year: 2011 Language: English 102. Author(s): William Youmans and Katie Brown Title: Can Al Jazeera English Leverage its ‘Egypt Moment’ into an American Audience? Journal: Arab Media & Society, Issue 13, Spring 2011 Year: 2011 Language: English 103. Author: Rasha El-Ibiary Title: Questioning the Al Jazeera Effect: Analysis of Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategy and its Relationship with Al Jazeera Journal: Global Media and Communication, Vol. 7, Issue 3 Year: 2011 Language: English 104. Author(s): Susan Schenk and Mohamed Ahmed Khalifa Title: Does Al Jazeera Make a Difference? The Framing of the Iranian Election 2009 by Al Jazeera Arabic and CNN International Journal: Global Media Journal, German Edition, Vol. 1, No. 2 Year: 2011 Language: English 105. Author: Claire-Gabrielle Talon Title: Al Jazeera, Original Media Object: A Critical Review of Western Journalistic Standards Journal: Les Temps Modernes, Vol. 3, No. 664 Year: 2011 Language: French


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