Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

106. Author: Abeer Alnajjar Title: Contesting Patriotism and Global Journalism Ethics in Arab Journalism (the Case of Al Jazeera’s Coverage of the War on Gaza and the Egyptian Media Coverage of the World Cup Qualifying Match between Egypt and Algeria) Journal: Journalism studies, Vol. 12, Issue 6 Year: 2011 Language: English 107. Author: Adrian Chircă Title: Al Jazeera English and the Depiction of Europe as a Global Actor Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Romania, Vol. 56, No. 2 Year: 2011 Language: Romanian 108. Author: Bartłomiej Kozek Title: A Mirror from Qatar: Influence of Al Jazeera Network in the Arab World and Beyond Journal: Przegląd Humanistyczny (Humanist Review), University of Warsaw, Vol. 437, No. 6 Year: 2011 Language: Polish 109: Author: Matt J. Duffy Title: Networked Journalism and Al Jazeera English: How the Middle East

Network Engages the Audience to Help Produce News Journal: Journal of Middle East Media, Vol. 7, Fall 2011 Year: 2011 Language: English

110. Author: Leyla Koçgündüz Title: Al Jazeera and Egypt: A Catalyst of the Uprisings in the Middle East Journal: Ortadogu Analiz (Middle East Analysis), Turkey, Vol. 3, Issue 2 Year: 2011 Language: Turkish


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