Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

178. Author(s): Tal Samuel-Azran and Naama Pecht Title: Is there an Al Jazeera-Qatari nexus? A Study of Al Jazeera’s Online Reporting throughout the Qatari-Saudi Conflict Journal: Media War & Conflict, Vol. 7, No. 2 Year: 2014 Language: English 179. Author: Tarek Cherkaoui Title: Al Jazeera’s Changing Editorial Perspectives and the Saudi-Qatari Relationship Journal: The Political Economy of Communication, Vol. 2, No. 1 Year: 2014 Language: English 180. Author: Whitney Sessa, Michael North and Katie Lang Title: Framing of Osama bin Laden’s Death: A Global Perspective (CNN, BBC World, Al Jazeera English and Al Arabiya English) Journal: International Communication Research Journal, Vol. 49, Issue 3-4 Year: 2014 Language: English 181. Author: Assem Nasr Title: Al Jazeera and the Arab Uprisings: The Language of Images and a Medium’s Stance taking Journal: Communication, Culture & Critique, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Year: 2014 Language: English 182. Author: Mohd Faizal Kasmani Title: The Nation-state Factor in Global News Reporting: A Study of the

BBC World News and Al Jazeera English Coverage Journal: International Communication Gazette, Vol. 76, No. 7 Year: 2014 Language: English

183. Author(s): Tal Samuel-Azran, Yuval Karniel and Amitl Lavie-Dinur Title: Globalization and Social Justice in Sports Broadcasting: The Case of Al Jazeera Sport Journal: Television & New Media, Vol. 15, Issue 8 Year: 2014 Language: English


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