Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

274. Author(s): Azzam Ananza and Abdallah H. Al-Azzam Title: The Reliance of Jordanian Elites on Al Jazeera Talk Shows as a Source of Political Information Journal: Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Kuwait University, Vol. 38, No. 489 Year: 2017 Language: Arabic 275. Author: Hanan Ahmed Salim Title: The Role of Al Jazeera News Channel and Social Media Networks in Creating and Managing Crises: The Case of Tiran and Sanafir Islands Journal: Egyptian Journal of Media Research, Cairo University, Vol. 2017, Issue 61 Year: 2017 Language: Arabic 276. Author: Faisal S. Aslim Title: Al Jazeera Channel’s Policy in the Arab Media Industry and its Role in the Arab Spring Revolutions Journal: Journal of Commercial and Environmental Studies, Suez Canal University, Vol. 8, No. 4 Year: 2017 Language: Arabic 277. Author(s): Muhammad Arif and Noor Hayat Title: International Media Framing of China’s Domestic Politics: An Analysis

of Al Jazeera English and BBC News Journal: Media Watch, Vol. 9, No.1 Year: 2018 Language: English

278. Author(s): Julian Matthews and Mayia Al Habsi Title: Addressing a Region: The Arab Imagined Audience and Newsworthiness in the Production of Al Jazeera Arabic Journal: International Communication Gazette, Vol. 80, No. 8 Year: 2018 Language: English


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