Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

301. Author(s): Saad A. Basheer and Soulafa F. Zoabi Title: The Role of Media in Legal Protection of Children in Armed Conflicts: News Reports on Aljazeera Channel as an Example Journal: ‘Ijtihad’ for Legal and Economic Studies, Algeria, Vol. 7, No. 2 Year: 2018 Language: Arabic 302. Bachar Mutahar Title: Trends of Arab Public towards Using Video Clips from Social Media in Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya’s Hadath News Casts: A Study of the Events of Arab Spring Countries Journal: Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Kuwait University, Vol. 38, No. 492 Year: 2018 Language: Arabic 303. Author: Abdelaziz Joudi Title: The Role of Arab Media in Conveying the 2011 Arab Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt: A Comparative Analysis between Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya Channels from the Point of View of A Sample of Algerian Elites Journal: El-Hikma Journal for Philosophical Studies, Algeria, Vol. 6, No. 4 Year: 2018 Language: Arabic 304. Author(s): Elida Høeg and Christopher Tulloch Title: Sinking Strangers: Media Representations of Climate Refugees on the BBC and Al Jazeera Journal: Journal of Communication Inquiry, Vol. 43, Issue 3 Year: 2019 Language: English 305. Author(s): Şükrü Sim and Fatih Goksu Title: A Comparative Discourse Analysis of TRT World and Al Jazeera News Channels on the News Reports of the Syrian War Journal: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, Issue 57 Year: 2019 Language: English


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