Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

321. Author(s): Hichem Bettaher and Hamdi El-Fateh Title: The Use of Graphics in the Production of Television News Programs for Al Jazeera News Channel: A Study of Usage Habits and Patterns Journal: El-Hikma Journal for Media and Communication Studies, Algeria, Vol. 7, No. 4 Year: 2019 Language: Arabic 322. Author(s): Ameer Al-Abbad and Jassim Al-Hariri Title: The Impact of Social Media Platforms on Raising Journalists’ Political Awareness: Al Jazeera’s Journalists as an Example Journal: Journal of Open Arab Academy in Denmark, Issue 23 Year: 2019 Language: Arabic 323. Author: Omar E. Shalal Title: Styles of Bias in Television Talk Shows: Al Jazeera’s ‘Opposite Direction’ Talk Show as an Example Journal: Larq Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics and Social Sciences, Wasit University, Iraq, Vol. 2, No. 33 Year: 2019 Language: Arabic 324. Author: Mohammed H. Al-Salous Title: The Reliance of An-Najah National University Students on Al Jazeera to Receive News and Information about the Imposed Siege on Gaza Strip: A Field Study Journal: Irbid Journal for Research and Studies, Irbid National University, Jordan, Vol. 21, No.1 Year: 2019 Language: Arabic 325. Author(s): Bader Al-Madi, Mohamad Al-Khraisha and Juhaina Al- Issawi Title: The Implication of Priming and Framing Effects for News Coverage of the Gaza Great March of Return in Arabic News Websites: A Comparison between Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya Journal: Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, University of Jordan, Volume 47, No. 1 Year: 2020 Language: English


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