Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

332. Author(s): Osama Kanaker, Mohamed Oklah Abughazlih, and Mohd Faizal Kasmani Title: Media Framing of Minorities’ Crisis: A Study on Al Jazeera and BBC News Coverage of the Rohingya Journal: Malaysian Journal of Communication, Vol. 36, No. 2 Year: 2020 Language: English 333. Author: Mohamed Kharbach Title: Understanding the Ideological Construction of the Gulf Crisis in Arab Media Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analytic Study of the Headlines of Al Arabiya English and Al Jazeera English Journal: Journal of Discourse & Communication, Vol. 14, No. 5 Year: 2020 Language: English 334. Author(s): Khadija El-Alaoui et al. Title: The Education of Dispute Resolution in Al Jazeera Al Arabiya: A Case for a Culturally Engaging Pedagogy Journal: Education Sciences, Switzerland, Vol. 10, Issue 4 Year: 2020 Language: English 335. Author(s): Mahmoud Shalabieh and Mohammad Mahroum Title: News Coverage of Al Jazeera’s Arabic Website for the Libyan

Revolution 2011: A Quantitative Content Analysis Journal: European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 4 Year: 2020 Language: English

336. Author: Rana Khaled Arafat Title: Rethinking Framing and News Values in Gamified Journalistic Contexts: A Comparative Case Study of Al Jazeera’s Interactive Games Journal: Convergence: International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 26, No. 3 Year: 2020 Language: English


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