V ic to r io u s I L ife -M
By Buth Paxson
Every Christian is habitually either fleshly minded or spir itually minded . In a very real sense it is up to the individual to choose which it shall be for him . In this companion arti cle to last month’s **, Spirit-Filled Life” the author candidly sets forth man’s co-operation in liviny the victorious life
T wo broad classifications embrace all Christians, for each believer is either a carnal Christian or a spir itual Christian. These two kinds of life are vividly set forth in Romans 7 and 8, with the sharp distinguish ing line drawn at the last two verses of Romans 7: “ 0 wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” In our previous discussion on this subject, we noted that the pronoun “ I”—-representing the self, life as in control—is everywhere prominent in Romans 7, the chapter of defeated Christian experience. But Romans 8 is the story of control by the Holy Spirit. Every believer occupies a position on the right side of Calvary, having accepted Christ in His atonement for sin on the cross. But Romans 8 re veals the condition of the trusting Christian who is yielded to the Lord’s control. It is only such a one who can be described as “ Spirit-filled.” What is our part in cooperation with God in this matter? This question brings us to two definite statements and commands in Romans 8. First, we learn how the Holy Spirit gains inward control, and second, how He gains outward control over our lives. Inward Control: Having "The Mind of the Spirit" First, there must be inward con
trol. The spiritual Christian will mind the things of the Spirit, “for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit” (Rom. 8:5). Next we read in the Revised Ver sion: “For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.” Are you fleshly minded or spiritually minded? You are one or the other. Which are you? We often describe people these days as being money-minded, or air-mind ed. Every Christian is habitually either fleshly minded or spiritually minded. Which are you? Let us consider that reference to those who “mind . . . the things of the' Spirit.” “Mind” — it is a very strong word. It refers to that which is the bent of your mind, not what is just your careless, casual thinking. What is the bent of your mind, friends? Oh, I know that some of you men are in business and you have to keep your mind on the affairs you are managing while in the office or shop. A woman in her home has to keep her mind on the things she is doing. You have seen people who think that if one is spiritually mind ed it is impossible to be practically minded. I believe the person that is most spiritually minded ought to be the most practically minded because a sp iritua l mind is a disciplined mind.
“Mind the things of the Spirit.” Friends, are we minding earthly things or heavenly things? There was never in this world a time when we so needed to guard our thoughts as today. I believe the devil is working overtime to confuse and pervert the thoughts of God’s people, to instill into the thoughts of men and women fear and impurity and hate and dev ilishness of all kinds and descriptions. Our Part in Co-operation The Holy Spirit is in us to make us heavenly minded and spiritually minded. Are we going to let Him do it? God gives us very clear teaching on what our part is in cooperation. In Second Corinthians 10:5, we read: “ Casting down imaginations, and ev ery high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” “Whatso ever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatso ever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil. 4:8). Glean your thinking. Take out the chaff and let only the wheat remain. If a thought comes into your mind like a fiery dart, you are not to blame, but you are to blame if it stays there a moment. If it is a continued on page 41
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