
André-Philippe Gagnon en spectacle à Embrun "$56"- * 54  r  /&84 VICKY CHARBONNEAU

André-Philippe Gagnon, le légendaire ca- méléon vocal, sera de passage au Centre communautaire d’Embrun le vendredi 17 février 2017, de 18 h à 22 h. Cet évènement spécial sera présenté sous la forme d’un gala d’entreprise et tous les profits seront remis au projet tant attendu de dôme sportif, qui devrait être achevé au cours de l’automne 2017. « André-Philippe Gagnon était vraiment notre premier choix », a expliqué l’orga- nisateur de l’évènement, Doug Anthony. « Il est adapté et vraiment parfait pour une région comme Russell et Embrun ». En ef- fet, d’Yvon Deschamps à Mick Jagger et de Pierre Lapointe à James Blunt, l’imitateur de renomméemondiale réunit sur scène les plus grandes voix du show-business inter- national sous la forme d’un spectacle tout à fait bilingue et intime. Une variété de forfaits pour les entreprises sont disponibles dès maintenant en nombre limité. De par leur valeur, ces forfaits offrent une gamme d’options : nombre de places, visibilité du logo à la table, sur le programme ou sur le mur de reconnaissance même du dôme, présentation publique de chèque, couverturemédiatique, etc. En ce qui a trait aux billets pour le public, ils seront mis en vente le 23 janvier, le cas échéant. Toute entreprise ou société intéressées

André-Philippe Gagnon, the legendary man of a thousand voices, will be appearing at the Embrun Community Centre on Friday, February 17, 2017, from 6 to 10 p.m. All proceeds from the event will go to the sportsdome. Tickets will go on sale January 23, 2017. —submitted photo

à assister à cette première en région peut communiquer avec Doug Anthony, 613- 445-6483, kindoug27@gmail.comou Lucette Brisson, 613-424-2206,

ou visiter Les participants sont également encou- ragés à faire un don à la table d’enchères silencieuses au cours de l’évènement. Toutes les sociétés qui font des dons en chèques,

d’une valeur de 5000 $ ou plus, et tous les organismes de sport et de services qui sou- haitent faire un don au Dôme sportif au cours de cet évènement sont invités à en aviser Doug Anthony.

Cheeky calendar raises funds for cancer care


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Are you passionate about food, family and community? We would love to meet you. Russell Foodland invites you to join us at our Job Fair! Russell Hall – Russell Arena 1084 Concession Street, Russell, ON Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:00 am – 6:00 pm We are hiring for part-time positions in all departments for the new store opening in Russell, ON. Please ensure you bring a copy of your resume & references. Foodland is committed to accommodating applicants with disabilities throughout the hiring process and will work with applicants requesting accommodation at any stage of this process. Foodland welcomes all qualified applicants and is commited to providing equal access to job opportunities. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact us at or 613-445-5308

What happens when a group of women – and a few men – get together to put on a play and produce a calendar? In addition to having a lot of fun, $4,500 is raised for local cancer care. Most of the funds came from the sale of the calendar, where cast members bared all (almost!) for a good cause. On December 16, three representa-

as they were available, Liz set out to bring the story to our local stage at theWinchester Old Town Hall. Unfortunately, Liz is battling cancer her- self and had to step down to act as co-direc- tor for Calendar Girls. She was, however, adamant that Dundas County Players should continue the fundraising tradition associated with the play and spearheaded the theatre group’s own version of a calendar.” Kristen Cassel-

tives from the Dun- das County Players presented a giant cheque to Kristen Casselman, the WDMH Founda- tion’s managing di- rector. Dundas County Player member Gabriele Thomas shared their story: “Calendar Girls is a real-life story that in-

Kristen Casselman noted that the WDMH Foundation is grateful to the Dundas County Players and to the many people who purchased one of the amazing calendars. “It is definitely one of the cheekiest fundraisers we’ve heard about,” she joked. “We were honored to be the beneficiary of this local success story.”

man noted that the WDMH Founda- tion is grateful to the Dundas County Players and to the many people who purchased one of the amazing calendars. “It is definitely one of the cheekiest fun- draisers we’ve heard

spired Elizabeth Barton several years ago. It was first made into a movie and then into a play. The amateur rights to the play be- came available only very recently. As soon

about,” she joked. “We were honored to be the beneficiary of this local success story.” Calendars are still available in theWDMH Auxiliary Gift Shoppe.


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