GASD Facilities and Master Plan

Security Window Film The decision to use or not use security window film should only be made after a comprehensive security assessment has been conducted. The security assessment should provide guidance as to where security window film should be used and establish the type of security film and attachment methods to be used based upon the level of risk at the specific facility. • Latest PSP RVATS survey for GASD dated October 5, 2021, recommended impact resistant glass or security film be installed on all doors, accessible first floor windows and sidelights. • At a minimum, GASD school police feel the lobby windows and doors should be done, with follow-on project to do ground floor windows.

Security window film is not bullet-resistant! It is only a deterrent to gaining entry by the physical breaking of the glass. If the facility requires protection against bullets, consider the use of bullet-resistant glass and other materials.

Installation Cost for Security Film: Security Film prices range from as low as 5.50 / sq/ft to as high as 16$ per Sq/Ft. It varies with the thickness of the film. Also, there is a cost in the DOWSIL sealant used to anchor the film to the frame. This sealant cost is usually 1.00-2.00 $ per linear foot.

Estimated cost (2023) for the high school office lobby – 196 sq/ft x 16.00 - $3,136.00 + sealant and labor.

Security Access and Video GASD will need to replace the current door locking system as the key fobs are nearing the end of life with replacements estimating $200 each to replace.


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