GASD Facilities and Master Plan

Priority 3: Existing Facilities and Expanding Programs - If you have additional ideas or thoughts on the expansion of facilities to address building capacity, please share that here. I would defer the decision about what's best for primary/elementary to those who work in the buildings daily (Principal, other Admin, and Superintendent). They would have a better vision of what their needs are at the time. In addition to the expansion of the gymnasium/science dept. at GAHS, the music ensembles (choir and band) are growing, necessitating larger ensemble rehearsal spaces that are not multilevel. Both the band and choir rooms are multilevel and not ideal for true performing ensemble rehearsals. Movement is restricted and so are optimal rehearsal configurations. Storage rooms, choral music library room, and practice rooms are inaccessible to handicapped individuals, as they are on the upper levels of the music suite. Multilevel rooms make it difficult to move equipment/instruments, have flexible seating, and proper musical storage (sheet music library, instrument storage, uniforms, etc.)

Each of these levels in the music rooms are too narrow for proper distance between seating to music stand for instrumental music. When choir members stand at their chairs, they barely have any room to properly expand with breathing.

Both the choir and band programs have seen growth this year, and we intend to continue this expansion of the ensembles. We have almost outgrown the music facilities. I know that old plans were used for this meeting to save money. But, if we are going to invest in a new building project, I wonder if it someone else might have some better ideas. Also, one thought I had would be to use the acreage across the street to put a new high school with a sports complex. Then, you could remodel the MS and expand into the former HS. When considering a primary school addition please consider creating more bathrooms on the second floor. There are currently two bathrooms for students (none for adults at all) on the second floor, one half way down the hall, and one at the end. There are not enough during busy times like before/after lunch and during specials transitions. Plus it is a very long way for students from the first few classes to walk to and from. Science wing on rear of high school, move athletic fields across leitersburg and use that area for parking. reorganization of existing the offices in the library empty, small group or speech could be there, larger rooms could be emptied to fill in the smaller office type spaces. Bathroom/sink access in new wing isn't enough, bathrooms in pods have consistently broken/leaking toilets and sinks, there aren't enough electrical outlets throughout building or in rooms for all the tech, my downstairs ceiling tiles consistently get brown stains from leaks from somewhere, my windows leak and allow drafts, one doesn't lock, blinds in windows dont close or open easily, sinks covered with lime residue and leak There wasn't an option that said "it depends" on the previous question. I don't know, it depends on both the number of students and how many "hallway" classrooms there are. It seems a connection could allow for benefits to both buildings or the flexibility of prioritizing the greatest need in the time period. We spent a lot of time and money coming up with a primary elementary connection thst also addresses traffic flow on that side of campus. It was a good plan and rather than reinvent the wheel, I think that's the most advantageous course.


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