GASD Facilities and Master Plan

Early Childhood Education Quality pre-kindergarten experiences have been proven to have a positive and high impact on student achievement. Expanding our educational program to include pre-kindergarten must be a consideration in the long-term facilities plan, as well as continuing to collaborate and partner with First Start Partnerships for our youngest Greencastle-Antrim residents.

Renovating the existing wrestling room and locker room wing at the primary school could result in additional classroom space to accommodate expanding programs and enrollment. An addition to the rear of the primary school would provide additional classroom space for growing programs which include special education classrooms, small group intervention and supports, and world language instruction. This could also be accomplished with an addition that connects the primary and elementary schools.

The Greencastle-Antrim School District owns approximately 44 acres across Leitersburg Road and Tayamentasachta. This land could be considered for an early childhood center that would accommodate children from birth to age 3. Creating a campus that could support children from birth to career!

44 acres; Rented out for farm use.


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