Associate - Programme Management

Case Studies

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The Programme

The Outcome

Salford Royal Foundation Trust (SRFT) was appointed by NHS Improvement to manage Pennine Acute Hospital Trust. The Head of Estates for SRFT appointed Essentia to review the estate department across both Trusts and to make recommendations which would improve overall effectiveness and efficiency. Assembling a team of management and technical expertise, we performed a diagnostic on both estates departments, focussing on management structure, systems, policies, procedures and risks. We proposed a number of recommendations intended to bring the two estates departments into alignment and to share systems, polices and resources. responded by forming the Estate Development Programme, a multiple workstream programme which over the course of twelve months addressed the highest risk areas, launched a project to improve infrastructure resilience and reliability, supported recruitment of Head of Operations role, succession planning and established a common basis for systems, policies and procedures. SRFT subsequently appointed Essentia to implement the recommendations and we Our Unique Approach

The two estates departments are working more effectively and under new leadership are set to achieve a consistent standard across all sites. The two Trusts are taking a more strategic approach to their development and a capital programme is emerging which will not only transform the clinical services being delivered, but will halt the deterioration and achieve a higher standard of physical environment for patients and staff alike.

University of Surrey


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