Associate - Programme Management

Case Studies

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The Programme

of the exercise. Following submission of our report, SLaM appointed Essentia to co-locate a high level intervention team into specific areas of the estates team to implement the recommendations. This team, experienced in dynamic environments worked in a high frequency reporting manner for several weeks as they worked closely with senior managers to promptly address project performance issues which involved changing out-sourced arrangements, implementing new robust controls and challenging decisions. Following this initial intervention, Essentia’s appointment was extended into a longer term arrangement to embed new processes and approaches Projects at SLaM are under better control and consequently the quality of decision making has improved. Projects are now reporting through appropriate governance routes and senior management have more confidence in the capability of the capital team. Essentia is maintaining a team co-located at SLaM leading and managing the capital programme in partnership with senior managers. The Outcome

SLaM is a major mental health care trust and a leader in its field. Recognising that the estates team appeared to be not performing optimally, SLaM appointed Essentia to perform a diagnostic exercise and to make recommendations to address concerns expressed by senior management.

Our Unique Approach

We assembled a team comprising of both technical and analytical ability and arranged for a series of interviews with key personnel. In addition we examined a large number of documents and performed data analysis to identify any trends in estate performance, both operational and related to projects. Using our experience acquired during other reviews and of our own in-house team at Guy’s and St Thomas’ (GSTT), we were able to identify areas where performance was ‘perfectly good’, and specific areas of weakness which needed to be urgently addressed. We presented our findings to SLaM in the form of a report with specific implementable recommendations to address the weaknesses. Throughout this review we maintained a high degree of client contact and were able to adapt to requests to focus in on particular areas, while retaining the overall integrity

University of Surrey


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