Client Status Cheat Sheet

for Agents

Licen s ed l ife a gen ts o n l y. Agen ts ar e r eq u i r ed to a c t wi t hin t he s c o pe o f t hei r l icen s e. C o mmi ss i o n s ar e p a y a b l e to l icen s ed l ife in sura nce a gen ts o n l y. D o n ot di str ib ut e.

Client Status Cheat Sheet

There are 2 types of statuses:E ' Application statuses — This shows the status of the client’s application up to policy activation.A ' Policy statuses — This shows the status of a client’s policy after policy activation. You can see a client’s status by clicking on their name in the Customers tab of the Ethos agent portal.

Application Status

Quoting & Application

Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

You've generated a quote, but the application still needs to be started for your client.

Follow up with your client, answer any questions they have, and help them with an application.

Quote Generated

Work with your client to complete the application.


The application is partially completed.

Your client's application has been submitted for underwriting and may have additional requirements.

Check back to see if additional underwriting requirements are needed.


Share the coverage and pricing information with your client. Ensure it fits their budget, answer any questions, and help them to activate the coverage. In specific cases, you may need to review the adjusted approved offer and send it to the customer after reviewing. Check the Customer 360 page for further details.

Your client's application has been approved by underwriting.


Complete contracting and licensing requirements if you haven ’ t already.

I f you are contracted and licensed, your client ’ s application will be transmitted by the end of business day, and the carrier will issue the policy shortly after.

R ead y f or C arrier Transmission

If you have, check back the following day to ensure the policy has been issued.

Ensure the P olicy Status changes to "P remium P aying " over the ne x t week. I f it does not, you will need to go back to your client to make sure their payment method was entered correctly. A lso, work with your client to ensure their spouse is covered or ask if they have friends / family who need coverage.

A ll requirements are complete and the application is completed. N o further action is required by you or your client at this time.

C omp l eted

a gen ts @ge t e t h os .c o m

for Agents

Licensed life agents only. Agents are required to act within the scope of their license. Commissions are payable to licensed life insurance agents only. Do not distribute.

Pending Cases

Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

We are still awaiting an underwriting decision from TruStage. Your client will be asked for payment and beneficiary information while their application is being reviewed. Your client's application has been submitted for an underwriter's review. This doesn't happen very often (usually only 5% of the time) but is sometimes required for older applicants or applicants with more complex risk profiles so we can get them the best price possible. Our underwriting system was unable to receive underwriting data from our providers. Your client will be asked for payment and beneficiary information while their application is pending. This application has not been submitted yet but will require an underwriter's review for approval. This doesn't happen very often (usually only 5% of the time) but is sometimes required for older applicants or applicants with more complex risk profiles so we can get them the best price possible. Your client's application has been submitted for human underwriting review. This doesn't happen often (usually only 5% of the time) but is sometimes required for applicants with more complex risk profiles in order to get the best price possible.

Ensure your client provides beneficiary and payment info. If approved as applied, the policy will be issued with no further action needed.

Submitted – Decision Pending

Work with your clients to ensure any follow-up requirements are completed. Otherwise, reach out every few days to let them know their application is being worked on. It's important to stay top of mind while they are going through underwriting. Ensure your client provides beneficiary and payment info while the application is pending. If approved as applied, the policy will be issued with no further action needed.

Submitted for Underwriter Review

N ot Submitted – Decision Pending

Work with your client to submit the application. A fterwards, an underwriter will review and we will reach out if additional information is required.

N ot Submitted – Re qu ire s Underwriter Review

C heck back to see if additional underwriting requirements are needed.

U nder w riter R e v ie w P endin g

F ollow up with your client to make sure the additional underwriting requirements are completed quickly, so we can get back to you as soon as possible with an underwriting decision. Encourage your client to complete the form promptly. If you client has not received the email, you can resend it from your home page or C ustomer page ( see how)

Underwritin g Requirements Needed

Your client's application requires some additional underwriting requirements.

The underwriter has additional questions for your client. We have emailed your client an online form with the questions.

El ectronic I nter v ie w (ETI) re q uired

Your client has completed their ETI (electronic interview), and our underwriting team is reviewing the information. This usually takes 2–3 business days, after which we will provide an update. Our underwriting team has reviewed your client ’ s ETI (electronic interview) details. If no further underwriting requirements are needed, we will usually provide a decision within a couple of business days.

ETI p ending re v ie w; no a ction re q uired

N o further action is needed from you or your client.

ETI com pl eted ; no a ction re q uired

N o further action is needed from you or your client.

agents @

for Agents

Licensed life agents only. Agents are required to act within the scope of their license. Commissions are payable to licensed life insurance agents only. Do not distribute.

Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

We have requested an EHR for your client from one of our underwriting data providers. Once we receive this information, we will review your client’s application and provide an update. This usually takes 8–10 business days. We have received the EHR (Electronic Health Record) for your client and are reviewing the information. This usually takes 2–3 business days, after which we will provide an update. Our underwriting team has reviewed your client’s EHR (Electronic Health Record) details. I f no further underwriting requirements are needed, we will usually provide a decision within a couple of business days. We have requested an APS ( A ttending P hysician S tatement) for your client from one of our underwriting partners. Once we receive this information, we will review your client’s application and provide an update. This usually takes 20 business days. We have received your client’s APS ( A ttending P hysician S tatement) and are reviewing the information. This usually takes 2–3 business days, after which we will provide an update. Our underwriting team has reviewed your client’s APS ( A ttending P hysician S tatement). I f no further underwriting requirements are needed, we will usually provide a decision within a couple of business days.

Electronic Health Record (EHR) requested; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

EHR pending review; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

EHR completed; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

A ttending P h y sician S tatement ( APS ) requested; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

APS pending review; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

APS completed; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

We have received your client’s authori z ation and have sent this to the medical facility.

APS authori z ation received; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

Once we receive your client’s APS ( A ttending P hysician S tatement), we will review it and provide an update.

We have received your client’s APS ( A ttending P hysician S tatement) and are reviewing the information. This usually takes 2–3 business days, after which we will provide an update. Our underwriting team has reviewed your client’s APS ( A ttending P hysician S tatement). I f no further underwriting requirements are needed, we will usually provide a decision within a couple of business days.

APS pending review; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

APS completed; no action required

No further action is needed from you or your client.

agents @

for Agents

Licensed life agents only. Agents are required to act within the scope of their license. Commissions are payable to licensed life insurance agents only. Do not distribute.

Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

Your client may apply for TruStage™ Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life. Coverage is guaranteed, and no underwriting is required. Please see the TruStage™ Life Underwriting Guide for more info about TruStage’s underwriting guidelines and knockout conditions.

Unfortunately, your client did not qualify for this product.


Email or call (415) 797-0864 for help!


This status could indicate an unusual error.


Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

The initial premium payment failed. Payment information must be updated to issue the policy.

Contact your client and help them update their billing information so the policy can be issued.

Initial Premium Failed

The policy ' s bank draft failed. Payment information must be updated to re - issue the policy.

Contact your client and help them update their billing information so the policy can be issued.

Initial Premium Reversed

This policy is set to start and be issued at a future date. All the requirements are complete and on the future date, the premium will be collected and the policy will be issued. This policy is set to start and be issued at a future date. All the requirements are complete and on the future date, the premium will be collected and policy will be issued.

Contact your client near their activation date. R emind them to have su ffi cient funds in their account on the date the policy is set to be issued.

Issue on a Future Date

M ake sure your client has su ffi cient funds in their bank account or credit card on the date the policy is set to be issued.

S u b mitted f or Future I ss uanc e

Future Dated Issuan c e Failed

Contact your client and help them update their billing information so the policy can be issued.

The initial premium payment has failed.

Inactive Applications

Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

This application has been closed (likely due to inactivity or by you / your client ' s request).

Contact your client and check to see if they are still interested. I f so, start a new application for them!

C losed

This policy was canceled due to an invalid or fraudulent application.

In v alid App li c ation

H elp the client fi nd new coverage.

The policy was unissued. This is typically due to a payment failure or because you or your client requested a change on their policy.

Contact your client to log back into Ethos. They will either need to update their payment method and / or complete an e - signature to re - issue the policy.

Poli cy Unissued

Please see our Field Underwriting Guide for more about our underwriting guidelines and knockout conditions.

Unfortunately, we are unable to o ff er coverage to your client.

De c lined

for Agents

Licensed life agents only. Agents are required to act within the scope of their license. Commissions are payable to licensed life insurance agents only. Do not distribute.

Policy Status


Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

Many agents check in on their clients annually to see if anything has changed — a bigger house, a new member of the family, or other significant events.

Premium Paying

Policy is in good standing and coverage is in force.

Pro Tip: Use this opportunity to ask if their spouse, friends or family need coverage.

The application documents have been received and acknowledged by the carrier. The carrier is now generating the policy contract for the client.

Pending Contract Generation

No action required.

The policy ' s recurring premium payment failed. Y our client must update their payment information or the policy may lapse.

C ontact your client and help them update their billing information.

Renewal Premium Failed

This policy is in process of being re - issued with new contract terms. This typically happens when the policyowner wants to make a change within the free look period without reapplying.

Pending Rei ss ue

No action required.

The policy is in - force. The recurring premium ' s ACH debit is processing.

Renewal Premium P ro c e ss in g

No action required.

C ontact your client, let them know that payment is pending, and answer any questions they may have !

The policy is in - force but the initial premium ACH p ayment has not cleared yet.

Pending I nitial Premium

The most recent payment has not been received and the policy has entered the grace period. C overage is active but if payment is not received by the end of the grace period, coverage will be terminated. The carrier is auditing this policy for material misrepresentation in the application. I f misrepresentation is discovered, the policy may be rescinded - meaning premiums are reversed and commissions are charged back.

C ontact your client, find out what happened, and see if you can help them update their payment information.

G race Period

A udit Pending

H elp your client find new coverage.

The policy owner has requested to cancel their policy. The policy will remain in force and be canceled right before their ne x t scheduled payment.

S c h eduled Cancellation

H elp your client find new coverage.

This policy is being converted to a permanent product.

Pending Con v er s ion

No action required.

agents @

for Agents

Licen s ed l ife a gen ts o n l y. Agen ts ar e r eq u i r ed to a c t wi t hin t he s c o pe o f t hei r l icen s e. C o mmi ss i o n s ar e p a y a b l e to l icen s ed l ife in sura nce a gen ts o n l y. D o n ot di str ib ut e.


Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

Contact your client, find out what happened, and see if you can help them with a new application or work with them to submit a reinstatement application.


Coverage terminated due to lack of payment.

Policy is closed after 30 days of initial premium failure if the client does not provide new billing information.

Contact your client and check to see if they are still interested. If so, help them start a new application!


Policy owner requested to cancel their coverage within the free look period. A refund will be processed.

Contact your client, find out what has happened, and see if you can help them with a new application.

Free Look Canceled

The policy has been rescinded due to material misrepresentation on the application. The client should have received a letter explaining why the policy has been rescinded.

Reach out to your client, and let them know about the situation if they are not aware.


This policy has been canceled and coverage is no longer in force.


H elp your client find new coverage.

H elp the beneficiaries with any follow ups from the carrier ( if any ) and o ff er your support to the family during this di ffi cult time.

The carrier has received the death claim and will promptly process the claim.

D ea th Clai m P endin g

Reach out to the client to see if there is anything they can do to support the family during this di ffi cult time.

D ea th Clai m

A death claim has been submitted.

Reins t a t e m en t A pplica t ion P endin g

Policy owner has applied for reinstatement of their coverage. Application is being reviewed by carrier.

Wait until carrier review is complete.

M a tu red

This policy has matured and is no longer in force.

H elp your client find new coverage.

D epending on the contract, coverage may still be available but at a di ff erent premium based on their current age and health.

The initial term of the policy expired and the insured did not renew.

T er m Ex pired

Contact the client and help them look at new policy options if coverage is still needed.

This policy has been surrendered and coverage is no longer in force.

Contact your client, find out what happened, and see if you can help them with a new application.

Su rrendered

The initial premium was never received or the policy was not accepted by the client.

N o t T aken

Work with your client to start a new application.

The policy has terminated due to lack of payment. H owever the carrier will reinstate the coverage automatically if the payment is received prior to the end of the L ate Off er Period.

Contact the client immediately and help them update their billing information.

La t e Off er P eriod

a gen ts @ge t e t h os .c o m

for Agents

Licensed life agents only. Agents are required to act within the scope of their license. Commissions are payable to licensed life insurance agents only. Do not distribute.


Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

This policy is in process of being reissued with new contract terms. This typically happens when the policy owner wants to make a change within the free look period without reapplying.


No action required.


Portal Status

What does this mean?

What actions can you take?

Email or call (415) 797-0864 for help!


This status could indicate an unusual error.

TruStage® Insurance products and programs are made available through TruStage Financial Group, Inc. Life insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold or guaranteed by any depository institution.


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