King's Business - 1910-03

feased Jesus for his Saviour, and began in earnest to urge the foreman of his department to attend the Gospel serv- ices. The foreman had jeered at Char- lie's attendance at the " p r a y er meet- i n g s ," as he called them, which were held in an upper room. He finally per- suaded his friend J a ck to come with him, saying, " I know you will like it. There is no long-haired religion preached up there. Just try it, any w a y . " Jack came and soon accepted the Saviour, and became a worker for Him. The superintendent, in speaking of - Charlie to the president of the company, said: " Y o u remember how he used to swear, using an oath with almost every word? Well, he doesn't swear n o w ." "Wh y , wh a t 's come over Ch a r l i e t" " H e ' s been up to the meetings and become converted.'' ' Yes, the Lord has saved Charlie, who afterward, as he related it, went down town on a Saturday night to do some shopping with his wife, and, passing a A few days ago the writer visited a home in Los Angeles where about twen- t y boys, averaging twelve years in age, are cared for. They had just been freed from quarantine, having passed through an epedemic of measles. For one little fellow of ten, perhaps only -an orphan lad or one with whom the court has had to deal—for such are most of these boys—the measles had opened the way for a severe attack of pneumonia. Many of us were anxiously praying for the young life which we feared was to be so soon cut off. As I entered the room, the watchful nurse said: " W e fear we shall lose h i m ." The little fellow tossed restlessly upon his pillow, his head upon his arm, breathing heavily. How helpless one feels at such a moment, and how quick- ly thé lump arises in the throat, and the eye becomes moist. The time had come for him to swallow some more .of the bitter medicine he must take so frequently. The nurse aroused him. "Come, Jimmie, its time for your medicine again. Baise up a l i t t l e ." In a semi-delirious condition he at- tempted to get out of bed, but too weak to resist the will of the nurse, sank back. When he realized what the nurse wished of him, he allowed himself to be raised up. " H e r e is Mr. F., Jimmie; he has come to see y o u ."

book store, said: "W i f e , we haven't a Bible at home; don't you think we had better get o n e ! " She replied, " Ye s, I think s o ." In they went and purchased the best they could afford for the household. He sat down to read it that night before re- tiring, and after some minutes said: " D o n ' t you think we ought to read the Bible every n i g h t ?" And the wife, who is always ready to take up with any good thing for the advancement of her home interests, said " Y e s . " After reading the chapter he felt stumped, but finally proposed that praying would be next in order, and so they knelt together in prayer. The little family altar set up, and the precious Gospel with its power to save, now has a place in that home where once it was a stranger. Now .Tack and Charlie are aggressive workers for Jesus, and are not ashamed of the Gos- pel, for it is still the power of salva- tion to every one that believeth. f JIM. He turned to me and (though he probably did not know me) gave me the full-faced, bright, sunny smile that had won him a place in my heart the first time I saw him. It really filled that sick room with cheer. Though so sick, he is still the same Sunny Jim. Quickly he turned and with an evident effort to please his nurse, grittily grasped the glass, and swallowed the sickening medicine in the brave, manly way he has all the time taken it. Then he sank back to the pillow, and to his rest- less stupor. How my heart ached for brave Sunny Jim and hoped for his recovery. The crisis has safely passed. Now it seems that God will spare his life. We are touched by this incident, for our hearts always respond to the needs of a suffering, helpless child. But friends, there are more, hundreds more, of these boys about us, perhaps not physically sick, but what is worse, sin-sick—suf- fering, helpless boys, blindly trying to choose their own path in a world full of snares and pit-falls. If you desire to extend a helping hand to some of these handicapped lit- tle ones, if you desire to have a part in leading them in the right way, write to the superintendent of the Big Brother Work, 26214 South Main street, and tell him of your desire. Immediate ac-. tion on your part may save a boy.

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