Age-Friendly Tucson Plan

FiveYear Plan for Communication & Information

to provide information to City of Tucson media outlets. Recommendation 4 Install hearing looping technology, equipment, and services in several City of TucsonWard Office meeting rooms. Looping technology provides equal access for hearing impaired individuals because while hearing aids are helpful, their optimal range is 6.5 feet. Looping helps extend the range.Additionally, ambient sounds can cause deterioration in the quality of the input, often making it difficult to understand spoken works. Hearing looping technology takes the voice sound projected into the microphone and delivers it magneti- cally through the loop into the telecoil in the hearing aid.

Goal A Develop culturally aware and accessible information and communications for older adults. Recommendation 1 Create an Administrative Directive regarding information offered in Spanish when other print materials are created, making Spanish printed materials a more common practice. Recommendation 2 Ensure that City communications meet ADA requirements and best practices by using a style guide to be used by all City Public Work with City media outlets (including the Neighborhood Nugget, NewsNet, etc.) to promote resources for older adults. • Promote sharing information with City of Tucson media outlets. • Set up a process for community partners Information Officers. Recommendation 3

Responsible Party for Implementation

• City of Tucson City Manager’s Office

Suggested Partners for Implementation

• Pima Council on Aging • Alzheimer’s Association • Our Family Services • The UnitedWay of Tucson and Southern Arizona • Pima County • Adult Loss of Hearing Association (ALOHA) • Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired (SAAVI) • Interfaith Community Services (ICS) • AARP


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