AdvantagePT: A Stronger Core Means A Healthier Body

How You Can Strengthen Your Core


There are also a few tips you can do on your own, either before PT treatments or in combination with them, in order to strengthen your core and relieve your pain. These include: 1. Improving your posture. Make sure to stand up frequently, at least every 30 minutes, and vary your positions of work throughout the day. Aim to correct your posture when sitting and standing, making adjustments as needed. 2. Avoiding injury. Make sure you know the proper way to lift, bend, and pick up objects, even if they are not heavy. It is important to lift with your legs, rather than your back. Our experts can show you proper body mechanics with everyday tasks. 3. Getting adequate rest and exercise. Every day takes a toll on your body, even if you don’t realize it. Sleep deprivation can actually worsen your pain tolerance and decrease your strength. Relaxing and sleeping helps your body to rejuvenate after a long day, and those hours before 12 a.m. are especially important. Exercising can help you fall asleep earlier, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed the next day. By taking a walk for at least 30 minutes every day, you can get better sleep at night, in addition to improving your strength, flexibility, and heart health. 4.Eatingnutritiousmeals. Ifyouare inpain, it is incredibly important toeat the right foods.Apoordietcanaggravateyourpainbycausingfurther inflammation,especially wheneatingprocessedorfriedfoods. Instead,make itahabit toeatvegetables,fruits, and lean protein. It is also important to drink a lot of water, as dehydration can dry out your tissues. Keep a glass of water by your desk and refill it during the day so you (and your tissues) stay hydrated. 5. Getting expert help. The best solution for your back or neck pain is to restore proper movement, strength, and coordination for maximum results. At Advantage Physical Therapy our physical therapists are here to help you improve your function and relieve your pain. If you are looking to strengthen your core, relieve your pain, and improve your overall health, contact us today! Discover how our programs transforms your pain from a pressing problem to a distant memory, allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life.

Lasertherapyusesaprocesscalledphotobiomodulation. Unlike medications, laser therapy reduces pain without undesirablesideeffects. It isalso important topointout that patients report long-lasting pain relief. While the number of treatments required may vary depending on the acuity of the condition, many patients experience lasting relief after only a couple treatments. With LightForce lasers, treatments are quick, usually 5-12 minutes depending on the size, depth, and acuteness of the condition being treated.


Back Pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain

Foot Pain Knee Pain Post Surgery

MEDICAL NIGHT AUGUST 28TH • 7:00-8:00PM Kelsi Taylor PT, DPT will be fielding questions at the Medical Night hosted by Super Jock N Jill from 7pm- 8pm on August 28th.

7525 166th Ave NE Ste D225 Redmond,WA 98052 Phone (425) 883-9630 Fax (425) 250-0575 22717SE 29th Street Suite D100 Sammamish,WA 98075 Phone (425) 883-9631 Fax (425) 250-0575

Super Jock ‘n Jill is pleased to host local podiatrists, physical therapists, sports medicine doctors, massage practitioners in our store. Come join us at Super Jock ‘n Jill for Medical night at the Redmond location on Wednesday, August 28th from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm for walking and running assessments, shoe advice, and injury prevention and treatment option advice. Our goal is to provide useful information to keep our customers healthy. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity, while using what you learn to make a better buying decision on your next pair of shoes. Check out our schedule. We hope to keep changes to a minimum, but we encourage you to call us to confirm appearances.

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