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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 RÉSIDENTS DE HAMMOND, SORTEZ VOS BOUTEILLES ! Le groupe des Optimistes juniors de Hammond organise une collecte de bouteilles la fin de semaine du 12 octobre. De plus, une remorque sera stationnée à l’École élémentaire catho- lique St-Mathieu à partir de 18 h le 12 octobre. Les résidents de Hammond sont aussi invités à simplement laisser les bouteilles qu’ils veulent donner à l’extérieur de leur maison, accompagné d’une note. – Francis Racine $24,250 YEARLY FOR PRINTER AND COPIER USAGE City council recently carried a motion to authorize the signature of a five-year contract for usage of printers and copiers with the Kyocera Document Solutions Canada. The estimated annual cost of the contract is $24,250, with a monthly fixed cost of $732.54 and variable costs of $0.48 per impression for base units, $0.58 for a unit with additional functionality and $0.60 per impression for colour copies. – Francis Racine CITY BUYS $82,824 TRACTOR The City of Clarence-Rockland recently purchased an $82,824 tractor from Reis Equipment. Council had approved $80,000 for a new tractor for the Community Services, during the 2018 budgetary process. It was decided during the September 10 council meeting, to transfer $2,824 from the 2018 capital budget for the purchase of a pickup truck, which had presented an $8000 surplus. – Francis Racine
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Marijuana becomes legal in Canada in mid-October and the mayors of Prescott and Russell counties still wonder what that is going to mean for day-to-day life in their communities. Counties council members spent about IBMGBOIPVSEVSJOHUIFJS8FEOFTEBZNPSOJOH TFTTJPOMJTUJOHDPODFSOTUIFZIBEBCPVU the federal government’s legalization of recreational marijuana use, which takes effect in mid-October. One concern is whether or not making recreational marijuana legal XJMMIBWFBOZTFSJPVTàOBODJBMJNQBDUPO organized crime. j&WFOJGNBSJKVBOBCFDPNFTMFHBM vTBJE .BZPS(BSZ#BSUPOPG$IBNQMBJO5PXOTIJQ jUIFACMBDLNBSLFUXJMMàOEBXBZUPNBLF BQSPàUv .BZPST PO DPVOUJFT DPVODJM BMTP EJT - cussed whether or not municipalities will IBWFBTBZBCPVUBOZQMBOTUPTFUVQHPW - ernment or private sector marijuana retail outlets in their areas, the impact on policing DPTUTGPSEFBMJOHXJUIQFPQMFXIPNBZESJWF while intoxicated from smoking marijuana, and other issues. UCPR Chief Administra- tor Stéphane Parisien noted that there are federal and provincial laws that deal with alcohol abuse and there will be similar laws to deal with marijuana abuse. A recent announcement from the new Pro- gressive Conservative government indicates that recreational smoking of marijuana in public will follow the same provincial regula- tions that deal with smoking tobacco in
La légalisation de la marijuana à des fins récréatives aura lieu à la mi-octobre. Le conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell s’inquiète toujours de la façon dont le gouvernement provincial envisage de gérer la vente et l’utilisation légales de la marijuana en Ontario et de la façon dont cela affectera les municipalités. —archives
public. «I’m sure that there will be a lot of com- QMBJOUTBCPVUAUIFOFJHICPVSOFYUEPPS v TBJE"UUPSOFZ(FOFSBM$BSPMJOF.VOSPEVS - ing a September 26 news conference with provincial media, «but we’re aligning with the 4NPLF'SFF0OUBSJP"DUv The new legislation for public marijuana smoking would include a ban on smoking within nine metres of public buildings or XJUIJONFUSFTPGDIJMESFOTQMBZBSFBT JODMVEJOHTDIPPMZBSET The government will also look at special exemptions to allow marijuana use in des- ignated hotel rooms and in long-term care facilities. The provincial government also an- nounced it will not limit the number of stores BMMPXFEUPTFMMNBSJKVBOB#VUMJDFOTFEHSPX - ers of marijuana will be limited to just one store of their own at a designated Ontario marijuana production site. The Alcohol and
(BNJOH$PNNJTTJPOPG0OUBSJPXJMMSFHVMBUF private-sector sale outlets. This has resulted in speculation that NBKPSDPNQBOJFTNBZBCBOEPOQMBOTGPS large-scale retail marijuana outlets. The retail QSJWBUJ[BUJPOQPMJDZBCBOEPOTUIFPSJHJOBM plan of the former Liberal provincial govern- NFOUUPHJWFUIF-JRVPS$POUSPM#PBSEPG0O - UBSJPBOFYDMVTJWFNPOPQPMZPOSFDSFBUJPOBM marijuana sales. Private sector outlets will be responsible for making sure not to sell NBSJKVBOBUPBOZPOFVOEFSUIFBHFPG 5IFQSPWJODFIBTBMTPTFUB+BOVBSZ EFBEMJOFGPSNVOJDJQBMJUJFTUPEFDJEF JGUIFZXBOUUPCBONBSJKVBOBSFUBJMTUPSFT from their areas altogether. The provincial government’s new policies dealing with legalized marijuana sales and QVCMJDTNPLJOHTIPVMECFJOQMBDFCZ"QSJM 6OUJMUIFO MFHBMNBSJKVBOBTBMFTJO Ontario will be limited to online purchasing through a provincial government-run website.
The City of Clarence-Rockland is developing a Multi-Modal Active Transportation Master Plan (MMATMP) to address growth through the future. This study will conform with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process identified under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act requirements including Phase 1 and 2 which will identify the existing needs, constraints and opportunities, as well as identify alternatives and preferred recommendations. Throughout this process multiple modes of transportation including, driving, transit, cycling, and walking will be reviewed for opportunities to improve mobility within the city and provide choice to residents. Your input is important to the success of our study! We look forward to engaging with you to develop a Master Plan that is uniquely tailored for the City of Clarence-Rockland. We will be putting out an online survey to get your feedback on the existing transportation network and understand your mobility needs.
La Cité de Clarence-Rockland développe un Plan directeur de transport actif multimodal ( PTAMM ) afin de répondre à la croissance future des déplacements. Ce plan sera réalisé conformément au processus d’évaluation environnementale municipale de portée générale tel que stipulé par la Loi sur les Évaluations Environnementales de l’Ontario. Ce processus inclut les Phases 1 et 2 pour identifier les besoins, les contraintes et les opportunités, élaborer des options de solutions et émettre des recommandations. Différents modes de transport seront étudiés dont le mode automobile, le transport collectif, la bicyclette et la marche afin d’identifier des solutions qui amélioreront les déplacements dans la Ville et offriront plus de choix aux résidents. Votre participation est importante au succès du plan! Par votre participation, nous serons en mesure de développer un plan directeur fait sur mesure pour la Cité de Clarence-Rockland. Un sondage sera mis en ligne afin de connaître votre avis sur les réseaux de transport existants et comprendre vos besoins en mobilité. Date: du 8 octobre 2018 au 8 novembre 2018 Site Internet: www.clarence-rockland.com
If you have any questions or wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact: Richard Campeau Manager, Capital Projects, Infrastructure and Planning City of Clarence-Rockland 1560 Laurier Street Rockland, ON K4K 1P7 Phone: 613.446.6022 x2239 Email: rcampeau@clarence-rockland.com
Pour toute question ou pour s’inscrire à la liste de distribution de l’étude, veuillez contacter: Richard Campeau Gestionnaire, Projets en capital, Infrastructures et aménagement du territoire Cité de Clarence-Rockland 1560, rue Laurier Rockland, ON K4K 1P7 Téléphone: 613.446.6022 x2239 Courriel: rcampeau@clarence-rockland.com Francois Tomeo, P. Eng., GDBA Chargé de projets Planification des transports et génie de la circulation Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Francois Tomeo, P. Eng., GDBA Project Manager Transportation Planning & Traffic Engineering
Stantec Consulting Ltd. 300-49 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M5V 2P2 Phone: 416-598-6685 Email: francois.tomeo@stantec.com
300-49, rue Bathurst Toronto, ON M5V 2P2 Téléphone: 416-598-6685 Email: francois.tomeo@stantec.com
Time: October 8 to November 8, 2018 Website: www.clarence-rockland.com
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