curriculum that the appropriate developmental and engagement levels are incorporated into the learning opportunities and personalised curriculum access.
The curriculum enables learning to take place in a variety of settings with students being encouraged to engage in activities in and out of the classroom, in the home setting or the community. Through the initial stages of exploration of an activity the students then develop to expressing a preferred experience which then promotes meaningful engagement and transferable skills. The curriculum includes access to a work experience programme for students in Post 16. The suitability for the work experience programme is identified through discussion with the class teacher and work experience co coordinator. Individualised or small group sessions are created for both off-site and on-site experiences to promote the transference of learnt skills and social interaction. On-going formative assessment ensures the learning is challenged and extended. Through understanding and observing each student’s development and learning, teachers are able to assess progress and plan for the next steps, linking targets to long term outcomes and supporting future transitions. The majority of students leaving the school transition onto adult social care provision with access to daily activities, or day college courses. They will be living in with others either sharing a group home or accessing group communal areas and therefore the curriculum needs to ensure they are equipped with the skills necessary to enable them have the greatest possible degree of autonomy and ability to form relationships with others.
Curriculum implementation
• All of the students at the school follow a curriculum which incorporates their cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social emotional and health and sensory/physical needs. All classes have the facilities and staffing to meet these needs. The criteria for class grouping are therefore based on student compatibility and peer/ staff relationships. • Each student has an Individual Learning Plan linked to their EHCP outcomes which incorporates targets in the following areas: communication, literacy, numeracy, independence & personal care, social skills & behaviour, health and wellbeing as well as therapy targets following on from SALT and OT assessments. • Each student has an engagement profile to encompass the five areas of engagement which reflects the both the individual motivations and barriers to learning so that all students at whatever level can be engaged to learn and achieve.
Policy 706.1RHS SENAD Group Education V3 MAR 23
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