
The state of our forests

The morning session will wrap up with


Cédric Bertand of Tree Canada who will

discuss the importance of urban forests in

the grand scheme of easternOntario’s forest

Do you want to know the state of our


forests in Prescott-Russell, or learn more

The afternoon session will begin with a

about carbon credits, forest management


plans or the impacts climate change have

by Amadou Thiam, an engineer with the

on our trees?

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and

If yes, then an upcoming woodlot

Rural Affairs.

conference is for you!


The Prescott-Russell Stewardship

forest cover to often bare rural landscapes,

Council, the United Counties of Prescott-

but are also beneficial to farmers looking to

Russell and SouthNation Conservation are


currently organizing the second bilingual

The last presentation will be given by

woodlot conference that will be held at the

Gary Nielsen, Climate Change Coordinator

J.R. Brisson Complex April 2 in Casselman.

with the Ontario Ministry of Natural

Pre-registration is $10 per person and


$15 at the door, and includes a meal and an

Nielsenwill address climate change and

information kit.

its impacts on woodlots and will also give a

Register before March 20 by contacting

comprehensive explanation on carbon

the Prescott-Russell Stewardship Council,



Photo Richard Mahoney


1A0, phone (613) 679-0936 or email

A tree chipper at work during a clear-cut operation in East Hawkesbury Township.



“Our goal is to attract local farmers,

and tree planting initiatives.

woodlot owners and elected officials. The

The owners are Mario Bourdon François

Maintenant à Hawkesbury Entendez la conversation et non les bruits de chocs ambiants. Imagine TM VS Voici Vivid Speech , la solution pour les porteurs d’appareil auditif aux prises avec un problème commun : la difficulté à entendre dans un environnement perturbé par le bruit.

topics discussed at the conferencewill be of

Rainville, poultry farmer, Tony Merulla,

interest to all of these groups and will put

owner of a woodlot ravaged by a tornado

the emphasis on the importance of forest

this summer.

cover during these times when severe

climatic events are more common than

Kenney at Gala

ever,” says Stewardship Council Chair

Gabriel Gauthier.


The morning’s program will begin with

be the guest at the annual Spring Gala

Steven Hunter’s presentation: “The ABCs

March 5 at the Wendover Community

of Woodlot Management. He is a forester


with South Nation Conservation.

Organized by the Glengarry-Prescott-

Forest technician and woodlot owner



event will feature entertainment by Bobby

of management plans and the Managed

Lalonde and Sons of Scotland, Canada’s

Forest Tax Incentive Program. Scott Davis

oldest civilian pipe band. Tickets can be

of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest will


provide insight into forest certification and

at 5:30 p.m.

its role in retaining forest cover.

Le système de réduction de bruit et, à la fois, le système de préservation de la parole le plus avancé, le plus novateur qui ait été inventé.


Disponible dans le tout nouveau style IIC, qui est en fait le premier véritable appareil auditif INVISIBLE.

L’ É QUIPE HAWKESBURY SELECTS CHAMPIONNE POUR UN DEUXI È ME TOURNOI D’AFFIL É E! Sur la photo : Kathleen Noble (assistante), Vanessa Dupelle, Fred Baaklini (assistant), Amélie Baaklini, Brianna Brisson, Allisson Larocque, Daniel St-Jean (assistant), Gérard Bakx (entraîneur); rangée du bas : Lydia Periard, Angélique St-Jean, Kasandra Larocque-Brunet, Savanah Lacombe-Théoret, Marie-Ève Mathieu. Les Hawkesbury Selects (niveau Cadette) ont remporté leur tournoi à Montréal les 5 et 6 février dernier. Elles ont marqué 207 points en 4 parties et battu leur principale rivale (Collège de Ste-Martine) en finale au compte de 45 a 32... Tout une partie!

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