A Fresh Perspective We all need it from time-to-time 5 Keys to Setting & Achieving Your Goals:
too many it leads to becoming overwhelmed. We know what happens when someone becomes overwhelmed, right! They quit altogether. Keep your focus on “Your WHY?” everything will come together as you remain committed to see your goal become your reality. It’s Real Simple People! We ha ve got to get back to the basics: Pressure Your Pressure – Stress Management 101. – Marissa
1. Identify “YOUR” “WHAT?” 2. Commit to “YOUR WHY?” 3. Develop “YOUR HOW?” 4. Implement “YOUR PLAN.” 5. Assess – Address – Adjust → Keep Moving Forward. NEXT… The Keys to Creating & Implementing a Successful Action Plan Relax … a nd Remember… Rome was not built in a day! A PLAN IS A MUST! Life without a plan is like aiming at a target in the dark expecting to hit the bull- eyes. Don’t s tress yourself out in the process. Do what you can with what you have (this is critical), the key is to get started and take action. Avoid over thinking your ideas or be in fear because you have
When you discipline yourself by creating a plan and executing a strategy even when it gets challenging you are building self-regulation through self-development. Eventually reaching goals will become easier to achieve. I am here to help reach out @ tcswithmarissa@gmail.com
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