no change there. And the message that we have to proclaim is the same as it has always been. We believe in the great foundation truths that are taught in the Word of.God, such as the in fallibility of the Bible. This is God’s Word. We believe in the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not believe for a moment that there are various interpretations concerning the virgin birth that are acceptable. It is either a fact or not a fact, and we take our stand upon the deep-rooted convic tion that Jesus Christ was bom of the virgin, -Mary, even as it is so clearly recorded in the Word of GodfWe be lieve, furthermore, in the miracles of the Bible exactly as they are presented to us. We make no effort to explain them away in any way whatsoever, but we accept them exactly as they are re corded, recognizing the fact that the miracles represent divine intervention in human affairs and entirely apart from the laws that we know anything about or that we can appropriate for our own use. We believe the’miracles that are recorded in the first chapters of Genesis and we believe them ex actly as they are recorded. We make no effort whatever to “water down” the early chapters of the book of Genesis by teaching the ideas of theistic evo lution or threshhold evolution or any other such imaginings of the human mind. Furthermore, we believe in the vicarious atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ wrought out on Calvary’s cross. He did not die as an example or as an ideal; He died as a substitute in our place so that we, through faith in Him, might not perish, but have ever lasting life. We also believe in the bodily resurrection of our Lord. After He was buried, He arose again the third day. He arose with His resurrec tion body which will be His through out eternity. We who are Christians likewise one day will receive our res urrection bodies, fashioned like unto His glorious body and all heaven will be our future and eternal heritage. Furthermore, we believe that one day Christ is coming again to receive His own unto Himself. The Word of God
in completely unmistakable terms gives us this glorious promise, “This same Jesus which was taken up into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). We believe in a separated life, separated from the things of the world which drag down and debase, and sep arated unto the Lord so .that we live from day to day as in His presence em powered by the Holy Spirit, trusting Him for guidance necessary to over come the world, the flesh and the devil. And in spite of the evil inclinations of the world and the extremely dis turbing trends that are to be found in so many Protestant churches today, it is our conviction that we are not to be conformed to the world but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we might prove out what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God for our lives. We are still in the business of preparing young people for the Lord’s service as He leads and directs; and young peo ple are coming in increasing numbers in order that they might obtain what BIOLA has to offer. Concerning the future, may I say that certainly we do not consider that we have completed the developmental program of the school in any way whatever. A number of buildings sore ly needed must yet be erected. We need additional dormitories, both for men and for women; we need another class room building, an auditorium, a gym nasium. But as we see what has been accomplished already, it is our convic tion that He which hath begun a good work . . . will surely bring it to a glorious consummation in His own good time and in His way. Your continuing prayers and fellow ship with us in the furthering of the Gospel by means of training these thou sands of young people in the years that lie ahead as the Lord tarries will be appreciated more than we can tell. Indeed, eternity alone will reveal the significant part that you have through this ministry in the salvation of pre cious souls and in building up of saints in our most holy faith. 17
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