The PT Marketing Newsletter | July

3 TIPS TO GET MAXIMUM REACH WITH FACEBOOK VIDEOS 1. Creative Content Stretching and exercise tips are always useful tools for your followers and make great videos to post on Facebook. Also, think about what’s on your blog or what you’re planning to publish. Chances are you could dual purpose some of that content (already written!) into a short, engaging video. It also never hurts to keep it fun! 2. Shoot for Mobile As more and more people are using their phone, don’t be afraid to shoot your videos vertically instead of horizontally. This will create a more natural mobile experience and take up more of the user’s screen as the scroll. 3. Always Use a Call to Action When the video is finished you have the option to click on the screen to learn more, shop now, or a variety of other call-to-actions. Using a call to action button at the bottom of your videos is the best way to drive traffic to your site directly through the video. How often do you market to your customer list? Are you missing out on many an opportunity to have people come back for care or send a friend/family member to you? Do you have patient superfans, or just happy customers? A superfan raves about your practice, leaves you online reviews, comes back for care, and sends more friends/family your way. The more superfans you can create, the faster your practice will rocket! Check out these 4 ways to build your superfans: • Building your online reviews - use your superfans to build a huge, growing, online reputation • Create a loyal fanbase - stay connected and top of mind with patient newsletters, blogs, social posts, and emails • Tell your patient’s stories - people love stories of success. Tell frequent patient success stories in your newsletters • Give them tools to spread the word - Arm your superfans with digital and patient marketing materials, like newsletters, brochures, and rack cards. Develop your marketing army

Jacob Siner Digital Marketing Director

Target Facebook Ads to Your Website Visitors Did you know you can target people on Facebook who have visited your website? Installing the Facebook Pixel on your website is the secret to retargeting those visitors. This increases engagement by ensuring the audience has expressed interest in your services. Also, new patients are more likely to convert after 3-7 site visits than they are on the first. Lastly, when we nurture prospects through several touch points, they will be more ready to complete their care once they get in the door (think trust building). To start, install your Facebook pixel on your website. Next, go to the Audiences tab and click Create Audience > Custom Audience > then select Website Traffic. Facebook will check your pixel and target people who have visited your page. Finally, name the audience and you will be able to select it while creating ads. This is a great tool, but don’t forget to create new content for this audience as they may have already seen other ads. Free consultations are a great offer for someone who is showing interest by visiting your page.

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