Requirements Training V14 20231204

Training systems

Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04



Instructional Background

100 hours vocational teaching experience

Must be verifiable

OR GWO Instructor Qualification Training

WINDA Training Record

OR Ensure formal instructor qualification that meets or exceeds GWO IQT

Gap analysis

Module Specific Attributes Participate

All steps require internal documentation of successful completion

Observe Co-Deliver Deliver under observation

Assessment and sign off

Assessment by

Documentation of the final assessment as detailed in 8.1.4

Experienced GWO Instructor certified in the module GWO approved auditor with instructor qualification to meet or exceed GWO IQT Internal Auditor with instructor qualification to meet or exceed GWO IQT



Table 8.1.2 POCD Process



Any instructor qualification process must verify and document that the trainee instructor is competent and safe in delivering the standard or module. Before an instructor can be certified through the GWO Instructor Qualification Standard, the process being used by the training provider must be verified through an audit with an approved GWO certification body. a. Table 8.1.3 (below) outlines the minimum requirements for GWO’s Instructor Qualification process including the instructional background, familiarisation with the applicable training standard, assessment of the instructor, and required documentation to confirm each element.

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