Requirements Training V14 20231204

Training systems

Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04

g. Injuries to the brain or internal organs in the chest or abdomen, when caused by crushing as result of an accident.

h. Any burn injury (including scalding) that covers more than 10% of the whole body’s total surface area, or causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs.

i. Burns that meet the above criteria are considered as serious, irrespective of the nature of the agent involved, and so include burns caused by direct heat, chemical burns and radiological burns. Where the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs are significantly harmed as a consequence of a burn, this is a serious injury irrespective of the surface area covered by that burn. Damage caused by smoke inhalation is not included in this definition. j. Any degree of scalping requiring hospital treatment. Scalping is the traumatic separation or peeling of the skin from the head due to an accident, e.g. hair becoming entangled in machinery.

k. Lacerations, where the skin is not separated from the head, are not included, nor are surgical procedures where skin removal is deliberate.

l. Any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia. Loss of consciousness means that the injured person enters a state where there is a lack of response, either vocal or physical, to people trying to communicate with them. The length of time a person remains unconscious is not significant in terms of whether an injury is considered as serious.

m. Any other injury that:

m.i includes heat-induced illness, or

m.ii requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.

Significant near-miss incident:

An undesired or unplanned event that could potentially have caused serious injury to a person on a training site, participating in GWO-certified training.

Incident investigations:

Incident investigations must focus on identifying and correcting the causes of a problem and not the symptom of the problem (e.g. finding fault or attributing blame to individuals), and thus demonstrate commitment to a safe training facility. An incident investigation must utilise a structured and standardised approach to identify the root causes of an incident and to deliver corrective actions for removing or reducing the likelihood and severity of future similar incidents. Incident investigation starts when the incident occurs, and ends when corrective actions have been established and the implementation deadline has been set.

Causal factor:

Human mistake or equipment failure that, if corrected, could have prevented the incident from occurring, or would have significantly mitigated its consequences.

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