Training systems
Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04
Root cause analysis:
Analytical review in a structured environment of conditions and events leading to an incident. An incident will often have multiple root causes.
Root cause:
The absence of best practice or the failure to apply knowledge that would have prevented the problem or mitigated the consequences.
The following requirements apply when reporting incidents:
3. Reporting an Incident and Significant Near-Miss Incident
Any incident or significant near-miss incident must be reported to GWO from the “File an Incident” page on within 7 days of occurrence.
Reporting a Significant Incident
Any incident or significant near-miss incident must be reported to GWO from the “File an Incident” page on within 24 hours of occurrence.
Any significant incident shall lead to an immediate stop of training delivery for that standard or module, including any training planned for the following days. Should the immediate cause of the incident affect not only the training standard or module in question but other modules as well, all GWO training shall be put on hold. Training cannot be resumed until written confirmation has been provided by GWO on this matter.
A complete report must be submitted to GWO within seven days of the incident.
GWO has the right to review the complete report within ten business days after receiving the report, and to request any further information that is deemed to be relevant. The review is a qualitative assessment of the investigation’s findings, the root cause analysis and the corrective actions.
References and Recommended Guidance
List of References
OSHA, record-keeping criteria
HSE, Riddor
List of Recommended Guidance on Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
Recommended Guidance
OSHA incident investigation
CCOSH incident investigation
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