Requirements Training V14 20231204

Training systems

Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04

1.4 Knowledge at the Advanced Level


The advanced level is about participants having a holistic understanding of a topic, where pros and cons, risks, advantages, and disadvantages form the background for reflected assessments and decisions on actions.

Action Verb

Examples of applying action verbs in a learning objective

The participants can assess a situation to decide relevant and responsible action. The participants can assess a situation or the behaviour of colleagues or peers to provide feedback or guidance. The participants can explore material (including tool instructions, technical handbooks, and relevant guides) to find solutions to an actual problem or for development of own competences.



The participants can explore an occurrence to clarify causes or explanations.

The participants can choose the relevant actions in a situation based on assessment of the causality or the relation between causes and possible reactions.


How does the participant acquire knowledge at the advanced level?

Critical and constructive reflection is the foundation of deep knowledge and understanding.

Reflection is initiated and facilitated when the participant is faced with challenging questions or situations. When discussing or solving the challenge a broader perspective or a deeper understanding is gained. Motivation, confidence, and curiosity to learn is facilitated when the participants are listened to. By being involved in learning activities and the process of developing and expanding their knowledge, participants can build on their current knowledge and experiences.

What activities will facilitate the learning process for the participants at the advanced level?

1) Learning activities built on participants’ knowledge and experiences. Uncover existing and relevant experiences amongst the participants by questionnaires or presentations in plenum. Only with this information can the learning activities be sufficiently focused. 2) Use short group talks, presentations, or an in-depth quiz to explore relevant topics and increase the participants’ curiosity. Exploring participants’ experiences will motivate them while helping the instructor or the program to focus the presentations and assignments that follow.

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