EQ Business Case 2010(2)

Emotional intelligence is at the core of relationships, and a sales maxim is that "relationships are everything." Just how much do relationship factors affect sales and the customer's view of your organization? And what internal skills do your people need to create customer delight? A powerful study by Benjamin Palmer and Sue Jennings demonstrates that the skills of emotional intelligence are worth over $2million per month. 35 At Sanofi- Aventis, a pharmaceutical company, a group of salespeople was randomly split into a control and development group. The development group received emotional intelligence training and increased their EQ by 18% (on average), after which they out-sold the control group by an average of 12%, or $55,200 each x 40 reps = 2,208,000.00 per month better. The company calculated that they made $6 for every dollar they invested in the training. More recently, Rozell, Pettijohn and Parker (2006) explored relationships between emotional intelligence and performance in a sample of medical device 9:;<=<<<& 9::<=<<<& 9:><=<<<& 9:?<=<<<& 9@<<=<<<& 9@;<=<<<& 9@:<=<<<& )"A2& .82& B3C& !"#$%&'('()#*+%#,&-./# '(&D%#+0"$& 4302%3,& !"#$%&' EF@G:H& EIGFH& )#,"-A"3A,"&%#0$35,J&-3%2"$&+023&;&/%3KA-L&2M3-"&NM3&%"8"+C"$&'(&2%#+0+0/&3K2O A"%73%5"$&2M"+%&A""%-&PJ&F;H& Q@& At L’Oreal, sales agents selected on the basis of certain emotional competencies significantly outsold salespeople selected using the company’s standard selection procedure. On an annual basis, salespeople selected on the basis of emotional competence sold $91,370 more than other salespeople did, for a net revenue increase of $2,558,360. 36


White Paper The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

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