EQ Business Case 2010(2)

and authors who were working to define and measure the skills of emotional intelligence. 5 Peter Salovey is Provost and professor of psychology at Yale University. Jack Mayer is a professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire. The two psychologists published the first academic definition of emotional intelligence in 1990, and have continued as the leading researchers in the field. In part their interest began when they realized that the conventional definitions of intelligence were inadequate because people with “high IQ” frequently made very poor decisions. They began to explore the missing ingredient and showed, in the lab, that people can “be smart” with feelings. Around the same time, a scholar named Reuven Bar-On began testing how measures of socially and emotionally intelligent behavior were linked to organizational peformance. Since then, hundreds of books and thousands of research projects have explored this concept. There are now several statistically reliable measures of emotional intelligence and emotional competence, and these measures are being used to demonstrate the links between emotional intelligence and performance at work, at home, and in the community.


Emotional intelligence : a scientifically validated function of the human brain to process and utilize emotional information. “Being smart with feelings.”

EI : abbreviation for "emotional intelligence."

PAGE 7 cognitive intelligence. Often used in place of “EI” outside of academia. EQ : abbreviation for "emotional quotient," similar to “IQ” for a measure of

White Paper The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

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