Abbey Lens a year in review 2019-20

BB6Y LENS December 2019 Vol 6: Issue No. Twenty fi ve Excellence Through Partnership


Crib service Travelling Mary and Joseph

ADVENT The school linked with St Hilda’s Church and joined the Bearwood journey for Mary and Joseph. To mark the long journey made by Mary and Joseph, as they travelled to Bethlehem, local residents have taken their very own Mary and Joseph on a journey across Bearwood. The travelling fi gures are journeying from home-to home during advent and photos of their travels will be used in this year’s ‘Crib Service’. School children and their families are invited to this child- friendly service for carols and a story to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Tuesday 24th December at 3pm at St Hilda’s Church.

Thanks to Mrs. Flanagan for the story.

MEET THE PRESIDENT Kurts made a visit to the London Latvian Embassy to meet the president of Latvia. This was to showcase what experiences our family have been sharing in England. It was massive honour for our family to have been invited to go and meet the president. I’m a teacher for local Latvian community kids. We came up with a project to work together to decorate the main Christmas tree in the Latvian embassy. Eight Latvian schools from all over England took part. Children made beautiful decorations for the Christmas tree and none of the children knew that the president would surprise them! It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and as a family our cultural background is very important to us. It was a lovely experience for all of us. Especially for Kurts!

Thanks to Kurts’ mum for the story.

Have you got a paragraph of good news to share? Write in under 100 words, attach a picture and your story may be published. All submissions to of fi or of fi

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