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Graston Technique

The Graston technique is a form of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), a type of ManualTherapy that incorporates special ergonomic tools that are used to gently massage and scrape parts of the skin.Thesestainlesssteel instrumentsareused toheal injuries to thesoft tissues, such as sprains, strains, subluxations, and repetitive use injuries. TheGrastonTechniquecanalsobeusedtotreatnumerousotherconditions, including lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff tears, quadricep pain, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, and headaches. How can the Graston Technique help me? When an individual is injured, adhesions and scar tissue may occur either in the tissues or in the skin. Scar tissue is a type of fibrous connective tissue that receives less blood than normal tissue and stretches much less. It tends to be thick and may build up around the ligaments, tendons, and muscles after an injury. The buildup of soft tissue is referred to as adhesions. Injuries thatmayresult inadhesions includeshinsplints,pulled hamstrings, meniscal tears and much more. It is believed that scar tissue and adhesions prevent the underneath body structuresfrommovingproperly.This isbecause ligaments, tendons,and muscles are unable to move freely. Over time, even the wear and tear of

everyday life can cause muscle fibers to adhere to each other irregularly. With Graston, the treatment causes a muscle fiber separation, which reduces pain and increases functional mobility. What are some benefits of the Graston Technique? • Reduces inflammation and pain for better quality of life • Boosts cellular activity for good health • Breaks down collagen cross-links • Increases mobility and ability to perform daily tasks • Increases rate of volume and blood flow to affected areas to enhance healing Are you ready to get started on the path toward relief and recovery? Schedule a consultation today with one of our dedicated physiotherapists or chiropractors.

KINETESIS.CA | BEDFORD (902-407-7207) | FALL RIVER (902-861-3900)

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