Patient Success Spotlight
• Cupping • Fascial Stretch Therapy • Graston • Rockblade • Kinesiology Tape • Rehab & Corrective Exercise • Concussion Management
• Chiropractic • Physiotherapy • Massage Therapy • Acupuncture • Active Release Techniques • Cox Spinal Decompression • Laser Therapy
As a young individual, I didn’t think I had to be so careful with
bending and twisting my body. I injured my lower back at work and was barely able to walk and sit without extreme pain. I didn’t have much relief from other forms of treatment, so I was really amazed at how much better I felt after just one Osteopathy treatment. I have had great success with not only my back but alsomy overall health. I would highly recommend Brad at Kinetesis to anyone.” — R. C.
Have questions about our services? Give us a call or visit our website, KINETESIS.CA for more information!
Relieve Pain in Minutes Try this movement if you’re experiencing back pain.
MODIFIED DOWN DOG (Wall) Place hands against a wall, shoulder width apartandelbowsstraight.Slowly leantoward the ground, bending from the hips, while walking your hands down the wall until your legs and arms are at or close to making a 90 degreeangle.Walkyour legsbackwardasyou dosoifyouneedmorespace.Imagineyourself pushing into the wall and pulling away with your hips. Try to keep your wrists, shoulders, andhips inastraight line.Holdfor10seconds and repeat 3 times. Strengthens Your Back
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Call us and ask to speak to your therapist. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. YOUR FIRST 1-HOUR MASSAGE! $ 20 Redeem This Coupon for
Complimentary Consultation Schedule Your FREE Complimentary Consultation! Call Us or Visit Our Website to Book Online: Bedford: 902-407-7207 | Fall River: 902-861-3900 KINETESIS.CA At Kinetesis Spine & Joint Clinic , we offer all the services you need to resolve muscle, joint and nerve pain and get you back to your sport, job and daily life as quick as possible. We understand that when you’re in pain or injured, it can affect every aspect of your life, and you don’t always know where to start. We can help you by assessing your problem and providing you with the solutions you need to get you back to better health.
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